Title Racionalizacija pomorskog povezivanja kopna i otoka te otoka međusobno u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Rationalisation of the maritime connections between the mainland and the islands as well as of those between the islands in the Republic of Croatia
Author Ante Mrvica
Mentor Pavao Komadina (mentor)
Mentor Alen Jugović (komentor)
Committee member Pančo Ristov (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 309891
Committee member Pavao Komadina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Jugović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2015-04-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 656.6 - Transport by water
Abstract U ovome doktorskom radu se istražuje pomorsko-putnički promet na Jadranu i svi bitni činitelji koji utječu na povezivanje otoka s kopnom i otoka međusobno. Nadalje, u doktorskom radu se analiziraju sve putničke linije na Jadranu i to posebno za svaku primorsku županiju te se na kraju daje analiza i ocjena stanja pomorsko-putničkog brodarstva i luka na hrvatskom dijelu Jadrana.
Pomorski promet se tijekom godina značajno povećavao zbog čega dolazi do potrebe gradnje sve većih i suvremenijih brodova. Pored gradnje novih i suvremenih brodova provodi se i nabavka katamarana i brzih putničkih brodova, čijim uključivanjem u sustav brzobrodskih linija dolazi do postepenog odvajanja prometa putnika od prometa vozila te efikasnijeg i modernijeg prijevoza.
Putnički promet na Jadranu uglavnom je sezonskog karaktera te se glavnina prometa odvija tijekom ljetnih mjeseci turističke sezone kadu su otoci odgovarajuće povezani sa kopnom velikim brojem linija bilo trajektnih ili brzobrodskih. Budući da su otoci uglavnom povezani samo s užim krugom bližih otoka koji su na plovnom putu, međuotočna povezanost je nedovoljna. Značajan iskorak u odvijanju trajektnog prometa je izgradnja osam trajekata u domaćim brodogradilištima značajno većih kapaciteta od prethodnih koji su održavali linije, što će doprinijeti učinkovitosti u pomorskom putničkom prijevozu. Brz rast pomorskog prometa ne prate luke i lučka infrastruktura te se u tom dijelu javljaju određene poteškoće.
S obzirom na navedeno u doktorskom radu su sagledani svi bitni elementi koje utječu na odvijanje pomorskog prometa i to: luke, rute plovidbe, linije, vrste i tipovi plovila, uvažavajući područje plovidbe i vremenske uvjete. Temeljem navedenih spoznaja predložena je optimalna veličina i tip broda koji bi trebao doprinijeti što učinkovitijoj povezanosti kopna i otoka i otoka međusobno te je u radu predložen i model njihove racionalnije i efikasnije prometne povezanosti.
Poseban dio doktorskog rada usmjeren je na provjeru rezultata istraživanja i ispitivanja ponuđenog modela na konkretnom primjeru međusobnog povezivanja otoka u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji.
Abstract (english) This is a doctoral dissertation on nautical passenger traffic in the Adriatic Sea area including all the important factors that affect the connections between the islands and the continent. The dissertation, organised in seven chapters, deals with all the passenger lines across the Adriatic sea area through every district.
As the passenger traffic increases significantly every year, there is a growing need for the construction of more modern and bigger ships. The gradual separation of passengers and vehicles as well as more modern and more efficient transport occur with the acquisition of catamarans and fast passenger ships and their integration into speed ship lines.
Since the passenger traffic in the Adriatic Sea area is (mostly) seasonal the traffic is mostly realized during the summer months (in the peak of tourist season) when the islands are adequately connected with the continent with a great number of ferry or speed ship lines.
An important step forward in the ferry traffic was the construction of eight ferry boats with significantly bigger capacities (than those of the ferries that rode along the lines previously) by the national shipyards, which contributed significantly to the efficiency of the nautical passenger traffic.
The fast growth of nautical traffic is not followed by the ports nor by the ports' infrastructures creating, thus, certain difficulties.
Because of this fact, all the important factors that influence the nautical traffic, ports, route navigation, lines, sorts and types of vehicles, the area of navigation as well as the weather conditions are taken into consideration so that a vehicle as optimum and as efficient could be found on the basis of previous analysis and with the purpose of successful maintenance of lines.
However, the mutual connections between the islands are to be considered insufficient due to the fact that the islands are only connected with other closer islands that are within the sailing route. Thus, the dissertation, in part, deals with the interacting connections of the islands in the district „Splitsko-dalmatinska“.
lučka infrastruktura
pomorski promet
putnički promet
putnički brodovi
Ro-Ro brodovi
Keywords (english)
port infrastructure
maritime transport
passenger traffic
passenger ships
Ro-Ro ships
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:187:235092
Promotion 2016-04-15
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent XI, 229 listova : ilustr., graf. prikazi (djelomice u bojama) ; 31 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-04-14 09:20:08