Title Tehnološke inovacije ITS-a u cestovnom prometu
Title (english) Technological innovation of ITS in road traffic
Author Ivan Katava
Mentor Hrvoje Baričević (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Žgaljić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Edvard Tijan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies (Department of Logistics and Management) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-11-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Abstract Predmetni završni rad pod radnim naslovom „Tehnološke inovacije ITS-a u cestovnom prometu“ sadržajno je podijeljen na šest cjelina. U Uvodu je rečeno nešto okvirno o temi. U drugom poglavlju počinje se s razradom tematike, gdje se govori nešto o općenitim postulatima vezanim uz ITS (inteligentne transportne sustave). Obrazložena je arhitektura svakog ITS sustava, objašnjena je detaljna normizacija ITS usluga, analizirana je učinkovitost i kvaliteta predmetnih servisa, te su predstavljene direktive i planovi za razvoj ITS u Republici Hrvatskoj, vezane uz direktive Europske unije. Treća cjelina je središnja cjelina rada u kojoj se opisuje sam razvitak ITS sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj. Tu se apostrofiraju ekonomskih koristi i pozitivnih učinaka za gospodarstvo RH, glede samog uvođenja ITS-a, te smjernica, strateških ciljeva i poticaja Europske unije, koji omogućuju lakši i djelotvorniji razvitak sofisticiranih prometnih metoda. Na kraju prezentirana SWOT analiza o primjeni ITS-a RH. U četvrtom poglavlju dati su neki primjeri ITS sustava za nadzor i kontrolu prometa. Obrazložen je sustav uređaja za snimanje brzine prometnog toka, sustav za automatsko prepoznavanje registarskih oznaka, promjenjivih znakova ograničenja brzine, sustav prepoznavanja prolaska vozila na crveno svjetlo. Također je opisan ITS sustav podrške za poštivanje ograničenja brzine. Peto poglavlje odnosi se na praktičnu primjenu ITS sustava koji se koriste za kontrolu i upravljanje prometom u nekim hrvatskim gradovima, te na državnoj mreži autocesta. Zaključnim poglavljem ukratko je prezentirana okvirna problematika sofisticiranih rješenja u cestovnom prometu s evidentnim trendom permanentnih poboljšanja
Abstract (english) The final paper under the heading "Technological innovations of ITS in road transport" is substantially divided into six sections. The introduction said something outline about the topic. The second chapter begins with an elaboration of a topic, where something is said about general ITS matters. The architecture of each ITS system is explained, a detailed standardization of ITS services is made, the efficiency and quality of the services in question are analyzed, and the directives and plans for the development of ITS in the Republic of Croatia, related to EU directives, are presented. The third unit is the central part of the paper, which describes the very development of the ITS system in the Republic of Croatia. It emphasizes the economic benefits and positive effects for the Croatian economy, regarding the introduction of ITS, as well as the guidelines, strategic goals and incentives of the European Union, which allow for easier and more efficient development of sophisticated transport methods. Finally, a SWOT analysis on the implementation of the Croatian ITS is presented. Chapter 4 provides some examples of ITS traffic monitoring and control systems. The explanation of the system of the device for recording the speed of traffic flow, the system for automatic recognition of license plates, variable speed limit signs, the system of recognition of passing vehicles to red light. An ITS support system for compliance with speed limits is also described. Chapter 5 deals with the practical application of ITS systems used for traffic control and management in some Croatian cities, as well as on the national highway network. The final chapter briefly presents the framework issues of sophisticated road transport solutions with a clear trend of permanent improvements.
cestovna infrastruktura i suprastruktura
inteligentni prometni sustavi
kontrola i nadzor prometa
direktive EU
Keywords (english)
road infrastructure and suprastructure
intelligent transport systems
traffic control and surveillance
EU directives
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:187:107584
Study programme Title: Logistics and Management in Maritime Industry and Transport Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka logistike i menadžmenta u pomorstvu (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka logistike i menadžmenta u pomorstvu)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-01-13 07:47:54