Title Optimizacija rasporeda tereta na kontejnerskim brodovima u funkciji skraćenja prekrcajnoga procesa
Author Srđan Žuškin
Mentor Pavao Komadina (mentor)
Committee member Renato Ivče (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Pavao Komadina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Svjetlana Hess (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Rudan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Kasum (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 222324
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2015-07-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 629 - Transport vehicle engineering 656.6 - Transport by water
Abstract U doktorskom radu istražen je problem rasporeda tereta na brodovima za prijevoz kontejnera, a da se pri tome zadovolji što kraći boravak broda u luci uzimajući u obzir čimbenike koji uvjetuju raspored kontejnera. Optimizacija samog procesa temelji se na uspostavljenom modelu krcanja i slaganja tereta uvođenjem unaprijed definiranog vremena iskrcaja pojedinog kontejnera s obzirom na njegovu poziciju na brodu. U modelu su ujedno uspostavljena dva dodatna optimizacijska kriterija: optimizacija plana tereta za luke unutar regionalnog lučkog sustava te optimizacija plana sa željenim trimom u funkciji smanjenja troškova putovanja u određenom kontejnerskom linijskom servisu. Rezultati istraživanja baziraju se na razvoju modela kojim se dobiva raspored tereta na brodu kao i na uspostavi algoritma prekrcajnoga procesa. Optimizacijski proces temelji se na uspostavljenoj objektnoj funkciji cilja, razvoju matematičkog modela te njegove transformacije u programski kod. Za izradu optimalnog plana krcanja i slaganja tereta primijenio se genetski algoritam kao metaheuristička metoda optimiziranja koja se inače koristi za rješavanje različitih problema iz inženjerske prakse.
U ovome radu model je testiran prema planu stvarnog kontejnerskog linijskog servisa za referentni brod. Dobiveno rješenje kroz proces genetskog algoritma konkurentno je stvarnom planu krcanja i slaganja dobivenog od planera na terminalu. Rezultati testiranja pokazuju da je ostvarenom optimizacijom u teoretskom i funkcionalnom smislu skraćen prekrcajni proces u funkciji kraćeg boravka broda u luci te su smanjeni ukupni troškovi putovanja kroz potrošnju goriva u pomorskom plovidbenom procesu. Optimizacija rasporeda tereta na kontejnerskim brodovima direktno udovoljava zahtjevima brodara za realizaciju osnovnog principa racionalnog poslovanja. Uspostavljeni model optimizacije ujedno je ostvario očekivani doprinos u aplikativnom smislu samim ubrzavanjem procesa donošenja odluke planerima, te se ujedno povećala efikasnost uz manji postotak ljudske pogreške. Time operativni planer ili bilo koji drugi sudionik procesa ima isključivo ulogu kontrole dobivenog plana rasporeda kontejnera, ali ne i samog planiranja.
Abstract (english) The PhD thesis has investigated the container allocation problem (CAP) on board container vessels with the aim of reducing the vessel’s laytime by taking into consideration the factors which influence the stowage arrangement of containers. Optimization of this process is based on the established cargo stowage model and enhanced by the introduction of the predefined time of discharge for each container in regard to its position on board. This model has also established two additional optimization criteria: cargo optimization plan for ports within the Multi-port gateway regions and optimization of trim planning in order to reduce the voyage cost in a container liner service. The results of the research are based on the development of the model which provides the cargo arrangement outline on board as well as the loading and discharging algorithm. Optimization process is based on the objective function of the aim, development of the mathematical model and its translation into a program code. In order to create an optimal cargo stowage plan, a metaheuristic genetic algorithm was applied since this type of algorithm is typically used as a powerful tool in solving various problems in engineering practice.
The model was tested according to a cargo stowage plan of an actual container liner service for a reference vessel. Solution acquired through the process of metaheuristic genetic algorithm application is shown to be competitive with the actual cargo stowage plan obtained from the terminal cargo planner. The results show that the optimization achieved both in theoretical and functional sense shortens the time required for loading and discharging, thus reducing the vessel’s laytime, fuel consumption and the overall cost of the voyage. Optimizing container allocation on board container vessels directly meets the requirements of shipping companies pertaining to the realization of the basic principle of rational operation. The established optimization model has simultaneously made an expected contribution application wise by speeding up the decision making process of the planners, thus increasing efficiency and reducing human error. As a result, an operative cargo planner or any other participant in the process only controls the application of the plan, but not the planning itself.
Plan krcanja i slaganja tereta
optimizacija prekrcajnog procesa
genetski algoritam metaheuristike
optimalni željeni trim
Keywords (english)
Cargo stowage plan
optimization of loading and discharging process
optimal trim
metaheuristic genetic algorithm
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:187:483965
Promotion 2017-03-31
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent 152 listova : ilustr., graf prikazi (djelomice u bojama) ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-06-06 08:14:58