Abstract | Hepatitis je upala jetre koja za posljedicu ima oštećenje ili uništenje njezinih ćelija (hepatocita). Dijelimo ga na akutni i kronični a u nekim slučajevima prelazi iz jednog stadija u drugi. Klinička slika kao i terapija liječenja ovise o uzročniku upale jetre. Do sada je otkriveno nekoliko virusnih hepatitisa i označuju se slovima abecede: A, B, D, E, F, G ... Razlikuje ih način prijenosa, dužina trajanja inkubacijskog perioda te sama mogućnost prelaska iz akutne upale u kroničnu. Priroda ove bolesti je da, često i ako se pokažu simptomi bolesti kao što je umor, depresija, nesanica, problemi s kožom, bol i probavne smetnje, osobe ne pomišljaju na hepatitis. Ne liječenjem dovodi do ciroze jetre, karcinoma i u konačnici smrti. Upravo čudnom naravi ove bolesti s jedne strane i teškom prevencijom s druge, javlja se problem za osobe koje putuju odnosno osobe koje rade na trgovačkim brodovima. Danas se razvijanjem medicine i novim načinima liječenja pokušava hepatitis savladati u svim zemljama svijeta. |
Abstract (english) | Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that results in damage or destruction of its cells (hepatocytes). We divide it into acute and chronic and in some cases it passes from one stage to another. The clinical picture and treatment depend on the cause of inflammation of the liver. So far, several viral hepatitis has been detected and marked with letters of the alphabet: A, B, D, E, F, G ... They differ in the mode of transmission, the duration of the incubation period and the possibility of transition from acute to chronic inflammation. The nature of this disease is that, often, symptoms of the disease are not known, such as fatigue, depression, insomnia, skin problems, pain and indigestion, people often do not think about hepatitis. Failure to treat leads to cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and ultimately death. Precisely the strange nature of this disease on the one hand and difficult prevention on another, there is a problem for people traveling on merchant ships. Today, with the development of medicine and new ways of treatment, hepatitis is being treated in all countries of the world. |