Abstract | Onečišćenje mora sve je veći problem čovječanstva. Onečišćenje može biti uzrokovano balastom, fekalijama koje ispuštaju brodovi, tankerskim nesrećama, izljevanjem ulja, plastikom. U današnje vrijeme najveća onečišćenja su onečišćenja plastikom i naftom. Neka onečišćenja je lakše riješiti dok sa nekima poput onečišćenja plastikom koja je veliki problem današnjice ili naftom koja se zbog svojih svojastava teško razgrađuje moraju se poduzeti različite mjere sanacije. Kako bi se problem sa onečišćenjem riješio poseže se za korištenjem raznih plovila. Ona čovjeku omogućuju lakše rukovanje otpadom i drugim zagađivačima. Postoji mnogo brodova takozvanih čistača kojima je primarna uloga čistiti more od otpada ili nafte. Sanacija onečišćenja na morima gotovo je nezamisliva bez pomoći specijalnih brodova. Svaki od brodova čistača ima opremu te mogućnosti čišćenja mora. O njihovoj važnoj ulozi dovoljno govore planovi za budućnost tj.ogromna financijska ulaganja. Osim važnosti samih plovila bitno je naglasiti sredstva za uklanjanje onečišćenja poput skimera, brana, upijača itd... |
Abstract (english) | Sea pollution is a growing problem of humanity. Pollution can be caused by ballast, faeces discharged by ships, tanker accidents, oil spills, plastics. Today, the biggest pollution is plastic and oil. Some pollutions are easier to solve, while others, such as plastic pollution, which is a big problem today, or oil, which is difficult to break down due to its characteristics, require different remedial measures. In order to solve the pollution problem, the use of various vessels is resorted to. It enables man to handle waste and other pollutants more easily. There are many so-called cleaner ships whose primary role is to clean the sea of waste or oil. Remediation of pollution at sea is almost unthinkable without the help of special ships. Each of the cleaning boats has equipment and sea cleaning capabilities. Plans for the future like huge financial investments, speak volumes about their important role. In addition to the importance of the vessels themselves, it is important to emphasize the means for removing pollution such as skimmers, dams, absorbents, etc. |