Title Prilog optimizaciji sustava obalnog linijskog pomorskoputničkog prometa
Title (english) Contribution to optimization of the coastal liner maritime passenger transport system
Author Antonija Mišura
Mentor Ana Perić Hadžić (mentor)
Mentor Marko Gulić (komentor)
Committee member Alen Jugović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Žgaljić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Gudelj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-06-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 005 - Management 656.6 - Transport by water
Abstract Temeljni uvjet za uspješan gospodarski razvoj svake suvremene države je učinkovit prometni sustav. Pomorske države, u okviru učinkovitoga prometnog sustava, suočavaju se i sa složenim pitanjem prometne povezanosti otoka s kopnom i otoka međusobno. Pitanje prometne povezanosti otoka s kopnom i otoka međusobno je izraženije što je veći koeficijent razvedenosti obale i što je razina naseljenosti otoka izraženija. Prometnu povezanost otoka s kopnom i otoka međusobno, njihov utjecaj na gospodarski
... More razvoj i demografsku sliku otoka te na kvalitetu života otočnog stanovništva su obrađivali brojni znanstvenici, ali tema optimizacije u pomorskoputničkom prometu, s naglaskom na optimalnu iskoristivost postojećih resursa sustava obalnog linijskog pomorskoputničkog prometa nije dovoljno istražena. Ova doktorska disertacija je doprinos za promišljanje mogućnosti optimizacije u pomorskoputničkom prometu. Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio oblikovati model za optimizaciju sustava obalnog linijskog pomorskoputničkog prometa. S modelom koji se koristio odgovarajućim Edmondsovim algoritmom i metodama teorije grafova određuje se optimalan raspored brodova s aspekta potrošnje pogonskog goriva i dostupnosti brodova, odnosno ravnotežom ovih dvaju ciljeva unutar postojeće mreže brodskih linija. Njegovom primjenom se postiže veća učinkovitost postojeće prometne povezanosti otoka s kopnom i otoka međusobno te se stvaraju preduvjeti za unaprjeđenje i dugoročnu održivost sustava obalnog linijskog pomorskoputničkog prometa s ekološkoga, društvenog i ekonomskog aspekta. Od ove doktorske disertacije se očekuje da znanstveno doprinosi sustavnoj analizi obalnog linijskog pomorskoputničkog prometa te analizi prometne i pomorske politike na području Europske unije, definiranju baznih kriterija u sparivanju broda i brodske linije te izradi i primjeni modela optimizacije sustava radi unaprjeđenja i stvaranja preduvjeta za njegov održivi razvoj. Razvijeni model optimizacije sustava obalnog linijskog pomorskoputničkog prometa primjenjiv je u pomorskome prometu za subjekte koji kreiraju politiku održivoga prometnog razvitka, kao što su država i brodari. Država ovaj model može koristiti u odabiru optimalnijeg broda za određenu brodsku liniju što utječe na racionalnije financiranje državnih brodskih linija i daljnje ulaganje u razvoj sustava, a brodari s pomoću ovog modela mogu efikasnije koristiti svoje resurse radi boljega tržišnog pozicioniranja. Less
Abstract (english) A fundamental requirement for the successful economic development of any modern country is an efficient transport system. Within the framework of an efficient transport system, maritime countries additionally face the complex problem of transport connection between islands and the mainland as well as between islands. The higher the coast indentation index and population density, the more pronounced the problem of the traffic connection between the islands and the mainland. The transport
... More connection of the island with the mainland and between the islands, its influence on the economic development and demographic profile of the island, and the quality of life of the island population is a topic that has been addressed by numerous scientists. However, the field of optimization in maritime passenger transport, with an emphasis on the optimal utilization of the existing resources of the coastal liner maritime passenger transport system, has not been sufficiently researched. This doctoral dissertation gives a contribution to the optimization of maritime passenger transport. The main goal of the research is to create a model for the optimization of the coastal liner maritime passenger transport system. Using the appropriate Edmonds algorithm and graph theory methods, the model determines the optimal arrangement and distribution of ships, from the aspect of fuel consumption and from the aspect of ship availability, i.e., the balance between these two goals, within the existing liner network. In this way, a higher efficiency of the existing transport connection between the island and the mainland and between the islands will be achieved, and conditions for the improvement and long-term sustainability of the coastal liner maritime passenger transport system from an ecological, a social, and an economic point of view will be created. Therefore, the expected scientific contribution of this doctoral dissertation is the systematic analysis of the coastal liner maritime passenger transport system, the analysis of the transport and maritime policies in the European Union, the definition of basic criteria for matching a ship with a shipping line, and the creation and application of a system optimization model with the aim of improving and creating preconditions for the sustainable development of the coastal liner maritime passenger transport system. The developed optimization model for the coastal liner passenger transport system is applicable in maritime transport for entities that create a policy of sustainable transport development, such as the state and shipping companies. The state can use this model in the selection of the optimal ship for a given shipping line, which has an impact on more rational financing of the state shipping lines and further investment in the development of the IV system, while the shippers using this model can use their resources more efficiently to better position themselves in the market. Less
pomorskoputnički promet
prometna povezanost
dugoročno održivi razvitak
Keywords (english)
maritime passenger traffic
transport connection
long-term sustainable development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:187:637481
Promotion 2024-05-24
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent VIII, 214 listova, ilustr. u bojama ; 29 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-25 10:29:10