Title Uloga luke u dobavnom lancu
Title (english) The role of the port in the supply chain
Author Tea Kotlar
Mentor Bojan Hlača (mentor)
Mentor Mladen Jardas (pomoć pri izradi, neposredni voditelj)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka (Department of Logistics and Management) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-10-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Abstract Luka omogućava obavljanje lučkih djelatnosti uz minimalni rizik koji se odnosi na
oštećenje tereta te cjelokupnog broda. Veoma je bitno da luke posjeduju odgovarajuće
akvatorije, prometne infrastrukture, lučke infrastrukture, suprastrukture, pretovarnu opremu te
postrojenja kroz koja se omogućuje osiguravanjem sigurnog pristajanja broda te potom sigurno
skladištenje kao i rukovanje teretom. Sukladno operativnim i administrativnim funkcijama luke
ona predstavlja složen i dinamičan sustav. Osim toga pojedine luke, u okviru svog sastava,
imaju sve operativne funkcije ili samo dio tih funkcija. Učinkovit opskrbni lanac oslanja se na
optimizirane odnose, učinkovitu tehnologiju, izvrsno dijeljenje informacija i moderniziranu
infrastrukturu. Iako postoji mnogo toga što organizacije mogu učiniti kako bi smanjile kašnjenja
i osigurale točnost u vlastitoj otpremnoj, prijamnoj i transportnoj infrastrukturi, postoji veliko
područje koje se može pokazati kao značajan izazov – luke. Učinkovitost luke utječe na
organizacije u cijelom opskrbnom lancu – dobavljače, proizvođače, pružatelje logističkih
usluga, špeditere, prijevoznike tereta i druge. Svatko može imati koristi od boljeg uvida u rad
portova. Luke igraju ključnu ulogu u olakšavanju globalne trgovine i logistike služeći kao
ključna čvorišta koja povezuju zemlje i kontinente. Oni su vitalne komponente međunarodnog
opskrbnog lanca, služe kao pristupnici za kretanje robe i olakšavaju besprijekornu povezanost
između različitih načina prijevoza. Sve veći opseg prijevoza u kontejnerima postavlja
infrastrukturne izazove, zahtijevajući od luka da unaprijede svoje objekte za rukovanje većim
plovilima i većim količinama tereta.
Abstract (english) The port enables the performance of port activities with minimal risk related to damage
to the cargo and the entire ship. It is very important that ports have adequate water areas, traffic
infrastructures, port infrastructures, superstructures, transshipment equipment and facilities
through which it is possible to ensure the safe docking of the ship and then the safe storage and
handling of cargo. In accordance with the operational and administrative functions of the port,
it represents a complex and dynamic system. In addition, certain ports, within their composition,
have all operational functions or only a part of these functions. An effective supply chain relies
on optimized relationships, efficient technology, excellent information sharing and modernized
infrastructure. While there is much that organizations can do to reduce delays and ensure
accuracy in their own shipping, receiving and transportation infrastructure, there is one big area
that can prove to be a significant challenge – the ports. Port efficiency affects organizations
throughout the supply chain – suppliers, manufacturers, logistics service providers, freight
forwarders, freight carriers and others. Everyone can benefit from better insight into port
performance. Ports play a key role in facilitating global trade and logistics by serving as key
hubs connecting countries and continents. They are vital components of the international supply
chain, serving as gateways for the movement of goods and facilitating seamless connectivity
between different modes of transport. The increasing volume of container shipping poses
infrastructural challenges, requiring ports to upgrade their facilities to handle larger vessels and
larger volumes of cargo.
dobavni lanac
učinkovitost luke
infrastrukturni izazovi
Keywords (english)
supply chain
port efficiency
infrastructure challenges
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:187:592750
Study programme Title: Logistics and Management in Maritime Industry and Transport Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka logistike i menadžmenta u pomorstvu (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka logistike i menadžmenta u pomorstvu)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-02 15:41:03