Abstract | Između velikog broja javno zdravstvenih problema suvremenog svijeta, poseban
značaj imaju spolno prenosive bolesti i to iz dva razloga: proširenost u nerazvijenim ali i
razvijenim zemljama te brojnost komplikacija koje izazivaju prvenstveno u medicinskoj ali
i posljedično u društvenoj domeni. Mogu se prenijeti sa inficirane osobe na zdravu osobu
spolnim odnosom ali i nespolnim putem npr. krvlju, upotrebom inficiranog predmeta ili sa
majke na novorođenče. Pri navedenom koriste se dva termina i to spolno prenosive bolesti
kao stanje s već zamjetnim simptomima i spolno prenosive infekcije kao prisutnost
potencijalnog uzročnika u organizmu. Teško zamjetni simptomi ili nepojavljivanje
simptoma pogoduje širenju bolesti, kasnom otkrivanju i kroničnom narušavanju zdravlja pa
i smrtnosti. Razlikuje se veći broj spolno prenosivih bolesti uzrokovanih virusima,
bakterijama i parazitima, razlikuju se neke „klasične“ spolno prenosive bolesti npr. sifilis,
genitalni herpes, stidna ušljivost i sl. od spolno prenosivih bolesti suvremenog doba poput
AIDS, hepatitis B i hepatitis C. Sve navedeno razlogom je posebnog posvećivanja pažnje i
poduzimanja različitih aktivnosti i mjera na nivou Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije i na
nacionalnim razinama.
Suzbijanje spolno prenosivih bolesti, liječenje ali prije svega prevencija i kontrola
moraju biti integralni dio cjelovitog sustava svih zdravstvenih službi usmjerenih prema
spolnom i reproduktivnom zdravlju ne samo u nerazvijenim zemljama već i u razvijenim
zemljama. Spoznaja cjelokupne društvene zajednice, svih dobnih skupina populacije, svih
obrazovnih struktura, svih profesija o prijetnjama spolno prenosivih bolesti doprinjeti će
zaštiti ne samo spolnog i reproduktivnog zdravlja već će umanjiti i stigmatizaciju oboljelih
te osigurati kvalitetnu „zdravu“ budućnost generacijama koje dolaze. |
Abstract (english) | Among the numerous public health issues of the modern world, sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs) hold special significance for two reasons: their prevalence in both
underdeveloped and developed countries and they can lead to various complications,
primarily in the medical field but also in society. They can be transmitted from an infected
person to a healthy individual through sexual intercourse, as well as through non-sexual
means such as blood contact, the use of infected objects, or from mother to newborn. Two
terms are used in this context: "sexually transmitted diseases" refer to conditions with
noticeable symptoms, while "sexually transmitted infections" indicate the presence of
potential pathogens in the body. Subtle or asymptomatic symptoms facilitate the spread of
the disease, delay detection, and lead to chronic health impairments, even mortality. There
is a wide range of sexually transmitted diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and parasites,
including "classic" STDs like syphilis, genital herpes, pubic lice, and others, as well as
modern-era STDs such as AIDS, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Because of all this, it's crucial
to pay special attention and take various actions and measures at both the global level
through organizations like the World Health Organization and at the national level.
Combating sexually transmitted diseases, providing treatment, but most importantly,
focusing on prevention and control, should be an integral part of the comprehensive
healthcare system, addressing sexual and reproductive health, not only in underdeveloped
countries but also in developed ones. Raising awareness within society, among people of all
ages, educational backgrounds, and professions, about the threats posed by sexually
transmitted diseases, will help protect not only sexual and reproductive health but also
reduce the stigma associated with those affected and ensure a healthy future for generations
to come. |