Title Unaprjeđenje procjene emisijskih faktora ispušnih plinova u stvarnim uvjetima eksploatacije broda
Title (english) Improved estimation of exhaust gases emission factors in the ship's real-time exploitation conditions
Author Vlatko Knežević
Mentor Josip Orović (mentor)
Mentor Dean Bernečić (komentor)
Committee member Radoslav Radonja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Senčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-08-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621 - Mechanical engineering. Nuclear technology. Machinery 656.6 - Transport by water
Abstract Istraživanje u ovom doktorskom radu obuhvaća područje emisija ispušnih plinova iz brodskih dizelskih motora i problematiku procjene količine emisija. Kvantifikacija emisija iz brodskih postrojenja predstavlja izazov prilikom izrade inventara emisija za pomorski promet. Jedna od najvažnijih varijabli prilikom izračuna ukupne količine emisija je emisijski faktor za određene ispušne plinove. Emisijski faktori ovise o parametrima kao što su vrsta korištenog goriva, karakteristike pogonskih i pomoćnih motora, opterećenje motora i kvaliteta procesa izgaranja. U radu je provedeno istraživanje na tri Ro-Pax broda koji plove na području Jadranskog mora između luka Hrvatske, Italije i Crne Gore. Istraživanje uključuje mjerenja koncentracije ispušnih plinova na brodovima u stvarnim uvjetima eksploatacije prilikom različitih aktivnosti broda. Mjerenja su izvršena s Testo 350 Maritime v2 uređajem za mjerenje sastava ispušnih plinova, te je prikupljena CO2 i NOx baza podataka u fazama plovidbe i manevriranja. Rezultati mjerenja predstavljaju emisije ispušnih plinova iz glavnih motora ovisno o opterećenju motora i aktivnosti broda. Nakon procesa mjerenja i prikupljanja baze podataka, podaci su obrađeni s metodom strojnog učenja koristeći Gaussovu nelinearnu regresiju, gdje CO2 i NOx varijable ovise o opterećenju glavnih motora, temperaturi ispušnih plinova i udjelu kisika u ispušnim plinovima, što predstavlja tri nezavisne varijable. Rezultati modeliranja su prikazani na dijagramima gdje su uspoređene izmjerene vrijednosti s procijenjenim vrijednostima. Optimizacija modela ovisi o izboru odgovarajuće kovarijance, te su dobiveni CO2 i NOx modeli optimizirani u fazama plovidbe i manevriranja, što je prikazano s visokim koeficijentom determinacije. Nadalje, predloženi modeli omogućavaju odabir emisijskih faktora ovisno o onečišćivaču, opterećenju motora i aktivnosti broda. Procijenjeni emisijski faktori uspoređeni su s emisijskim faktorima iz relevantnih studija inventara emisija, gdje su opisane njihove prednosti i mogućnosti upotrebe. U rad je dokazana korelacija između emisijskih faktora i promjenjivih uvjeta eksploatacije, te predloženi modeli omogućavaju vjerodostojnije CO2 i NOx emisijske faktore od trenutno dostupnih. Upotrebnom adekvatnih emisijskih faktora moguće je unaprijediti procjenu ukupnih emisija iz brodskih postrojenja, te su predložene dodatne mogućnosti unapređenja istraživanja na ovu temu.
Abstract (english) The research in this doctoral thesis covers the area of exhaust gas emissions from marine diesel engines and the problem of estimating the amount of emissions. The quantification of emissions from ship powerplant is a challenge when creating an emissions inventory for maritime transport. One of the most important variables when calculating the total amount of emissions is the emission factor for certain exhaust gases. Emission factors depend on parameters such as the type of used fuel, the characteristics of the main and auxiliary engines, the engine load and the quality of the combustion process. In the thesis, research was carried out on three Ro-Pax ships sailing in the area of the Adriatic Sea between the ports of Croatia, Italy and Montenegro. The research includes measurements of the concentration of exhaust gases on ships in real-time exploitation conditions during various ship activities. Measurements were conducted with a Testo 350 Maritime device for measuring the content of exhaust gases, and a CO2 and NOx database was collected during the cruising and maneuvering phases. The measurement results represent exhaust gas emissions from the main engines depending on the engine load and the ship's activity. After the measurement and database collection process, the data was processed with the machine learning method using Gauss nonlinear regression, where the CO2 and NOx variables depend on the load of the main engines, the exhaust gas temperature and the oxygen content in the exhaust gas, which represents three independent variables. The modeling results are shown in diagrams where the measured values are compared with the estimated values. The optimization of the model depends on the choice of the appropriate covariance, and the obtained CO2 and NOx models were optimized in the cruising and maneuvering phases, which was indicated with a high coefficient of determination. Furthermore, the proposed models enable the selection of emission factors depending on the pollutant, engine load and ship activity. The estimated emission factors were compared with the emission factors from the relevant emissions inventory studies, where their advantages and possibilities of use were described. The correlation between emission factors and variable exploitation conditions was proven in the thesis, and the proposed models enable more reliable CO2 and NOx emission factors than currently available. By using adequate emission factors, it is possible to improve the estimation of total emissions from ship powerplants, and additional possibilities for improving research on this topic are proposed.
emisijski faktori
mjerenja emisija na brodu
ispušni dimni plinovi
inventar emisija
procjene emisija
Keywords (english)
emission factors
on-board measurement
exhaust gases
emission inventory
emission estimation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:187:202159
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent [4], 154 str. : ilstr., graf. prikazi u bojama; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-11-27 14:43:29