Title Preuzimanje broda
Author Marin Bujas
Mentor Goran Belamarić (mentor)
Committee member Rino Bošnjak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danko Kezić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies (Department of nautical studies) Split
Defense date and country 2020-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Abstract Kao glavni nositelj trgovinske razmjene, pomorski promet jedan je od najrazvijenijih grana u 21. stoljeću. Potražnja za brodovima, bilo novim ili rabljenim, trend je zadnjih desetljeća. Stoljećima su se brodovi gradili, a tehnologija se stalno razvijala i u skladu s tim primjenjivala. Brod je kompleksan sustav koji se sastoji od više manjih sustava, a oni zajednički sačinjavaju složenu tehničku cjelinu. Podjela broda na više sustava omogućuje učinkovitije upravljanje i održavanje broda. Da bi
... More brod što duže funkcionirao kao sustav, potrebno je odrediti pravilan pristup i metode održavanja svih sustava. Korištenjem pravilnog pristupa i metoda nastoji se ostvariti što manje troškove održavanja. Kvarovi brodskih sustava su neizbježni, ali da bi se ostvarila što veća dobit, treba ih svesti na minimum. No, da bi brod bio spreman za putovanje i bio preuzet od strane naručitelja, potrebne su brojne pripreme, zapisi i računanja , a odrađuju za vrijeme perioda uhodavanja. Svaka komponenta je redovito pregledavana raznim pokusima i provjerama od strane raznih inženjera, brodostrojara i građevinara, službe kontrole brodogradilišta, a samo pojedini iskusniji članovi posade sudjeluju u kontroli ugrađenih sustava i ostalog, neposredno prije i za vrijeme primopredaje. Treba istaknuti da u slučaju ako brod ne ostvaruje dovoljne prihode od svoje djelatnosti, ne može pokrivati svoje pogonske troškove, potrebno je staviti brod u raspremu. Iako je brod neaktivan, gubitak se i dalje nastavlja, ali brod ostaje prisutan na tržištu čekajući bolja vremena. Less
Abstract (english) As the main carrier of trade, maritime transport is one of the most developed branches in the 21st century. Demand for boats, whether new or used, has been a trend in recent decades. Ships have been built for centuries, and technology has been constantly evolving and applied accordingly. A ship is a complex system consisting of several smaller systems, and they together form a complex technical whole. The division of the ship into several systems enables more efficient management and
... More maintenance of the ship. In order for the ship to function as a system for as long as possible, it is necessary to determine the correct approach and maintenance methods of all systems. By using the right approach and methods, we try to achieve the lowest possible maintenance costs. Ship system failures are inevitable, but in order to make as much profit as possible, they should be kept to a minimum. However, in order for the ship to be ready for the voyage and to be taken over by the client, a number of preparations, records and calculations are required which are done during the burn-in period. Each component is regularly inspected by experiments and checks by various engineers, shipbuilders and builders, shipyard control services, and only some more experienced crew members participate in the control of embedded systems and other, immediately before and during handover. It should be noted that in case the ship does not earns sufficient income from its activities can not cover its operating costs, and it is necessary to put the ship in lay-up. Although the ship is inactive, the loss continues but the ship remains present in the market waiting for better times. Less
pomorski promet
Keywords (english)
sea traffic
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:164:283829
Study programme Title: Nautical Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka nautike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka nautike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2021-01-07 10:57:47