Abstract | U ovom radu obređena je tema koja se odnosi na čuvstva brige i straha te njihov utjecaj na posao koji u životu čovjeka predstavlja izvor sredstava za egzistenciju i način samoostvarenja pojedinca. Posljedice neuspjelog separiranja emocija od radnog mjesta dovode do stresa na radu, mogućih psihičkih i fizičkih oboljenja. Tu se javlja pojam emocionalno inteligentne osobe koja je sposobna upravljati svojim emocijama na optimalan način. U radu se naglašava specifičnost zanimanja pomoraca kao zanimanja koje karakteriziraju teški psihosocijalni i fizički uvjeti te je stavljen naglasak na težinu i posebnost života radnika na moru. U sklopu ove teme obrađena je kvaliteta življenja na koju, u velikoj mjeri, utječe sposobnost pojedinca da se uspješno nosi sa zahtjevnim situacijama u životu, zadovoljstvo s poslom te zdravi odnosi na istom. Zadnja cjelina posvećena je stresu, njegovom utjecaju na rad te njegovoj ulozi ˝okidača˝ i uzročnika raznih oboljenja kod čovjeka. |
Abstract (english) | In this bachelor´s thesis, the issue related to the emotions of concern and fear, and their impact on man´s occupation, which serves as a source of income necessary for existence and as a way of one´s self-fulfilment, is discussed. The effects of unsuccessfully separating emotions from the workplace are occupational stress and possible mental and physical illnesses. It is there, where the notion of an emotionally intelligent individual, who is capable of controlling their own emotions in the most suitable way, is recognized. This thesis emphasises the specificity of a maritime profession as an occupation that is characterized by difficult psychological and physical conditions, and draws attention to the heaviness and uniqueness of the life at sea. In addition, the topic included, as well as related to the main subject, is the one of the quality of living, which is, to a large extent, affected by the capability of an individual to successfully cope with demanding situations in life, as by the content of an individual and by stabile relations with other people. The last unit is dedicated to stress, the influence it has on work and its role as the ˝trigger˝ and cause of various illnesses in men. |