Title Unska pruga kao preduvjet gospodarskog razvoja srednjodalmatinskih luka
Title (english) Unska railway as a precondition for the economic development of central Dalmatian ports
Author Petar Stričević
Mentor Luka Vukić (mentor)
Committee member Gorana Jelić-Mrčelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonimir Lušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies (Department of nautical studies) Split
Defense date and country 2023-12-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu provodi se analiza ključnih čimbenika konkurentnosti Unske željezničke pruge, kao najkraće udaljenosti u prijevozu tereta i putnika između sjevera i juga Hrvatske, uslijed pretpostavljene obnove i modernizacije iste. Uzimajući u obzir ključnu ulogu željeznice u distribuciji tereta cjelokupnog logističkog lanca, a posebice u morskim lukama, neophodno je ispitati performanse pojedinačnih željezničkih pruga u svrhu optimizacije troškova i povećanja prometa. Upravo se problematika poslovanja srednjodalmatinskih luka, Split, Zadar i Šibenik, reflektira u neadekvatnom stanju postojeće željezničke mreže, odnosno željezničkih pruga koje su inaktivne (Unska pruga) ili nezadovoljavajuće (Lička pruga), čime se značajno povećavaju troškovi prijevoza i narušava rentabilnost poslovanja, ograničava lučko zaleđe i onemogućava afirmacija te perspektiva razvoja morskih luka sukladno dostupnoj resursnoj osnovi. Shodno navedenom, cilj istraživanja je utvrditi konkurentnost Unske pruge u komparaciji s odabranim željezničkim pravcima, pretpostavljajući planiranu revitalizaciju koja podrazumijeva elektrifikaciju Unske pruge, te ispitati efekte obnove i modernizacije na promet srednjodalmatinskih luka. Metodom proračuna troškova prijevoza (goriva) i udaljenosti izvršena je analiza konkurentnosti Unske pruge naspram odabranih željezničkih pruga, a projekcijom distribucije raspoloživog tereta potencijalno povećanje prometa luka Split, Zadar i Šibenik uslijed provedenih investicija. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na značajno smanjenje troškova prijevoza (goriva) uslijed elektrifikacije, te analogno kombiniranih investicija u elektrifikaciju i obnovu Unske pruge u usporedbi s promatranim željezničkim pravcima, a koji pozitivno utječu na povećanje prometa u srednjodalmatinskim lukama. Revitalizacija Unske pruge ukazuje na potencijale otvaranja novih tržišta, odnosno povećanju konkurentnosti morskih luka, jačanje gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske, te brojne ekonomske, socijalne i ekološke korisnosti.
Abstract (english) In this thesis, an analysis of the key factors for the competitiveness of the Una railway as the shortest route in the transport of goods and passengers between the north and the south of Croatia is carried out, as a result of the assumed renovation and modernization. Considering the key role of railroads in the distribution of goods in the entire logistics chain and especially in seaports, it is necessary to study the performance of individual railroads in order to optimize costs and increase traffic. The very problem of the operation of the Central Dalmatian ports of Split, Zadar and Šibenik is reflected in the insufficient condition of the existing railroad network, i.e. inactive (Unska railroad) or unsatisfactory (Lička railroad) railroad lines, which significantly increases transport costs and affects the profitability of terminal operators, limits the port hinterland and also prevents the affirmation and perspective of the development of seaports in accordance with the available resource base. Accordingly, the objective of the study is to determine the competitiveness of the Una railway in comparison with selected railway lines in Croatia, under the assumption of planned revitalization, which includes the electrification of the Una railway, and to study the impact of renovation and modernization on the traffic of the Central Dalmatian ports. Using the method of calculation of transport costs (primarily fuel costs) and distance, an analysis of the competitiveness of the Una railway in comparison with selected railroad lines was carried out, along with the projection of the distribution of available freight manifested as a potential increase in the traffic of the ports of Split, Zadar and Šibenik due to the investments made. The results of the study indicate a significant reduction in transport costs (fuel) due to electrification and, analogously, combined investments in electrification and renovation of the Una railway, compared to the observed railroad lines, which have a positive impact on the increase in traffic in the Central Dalmatian ports. The revitalization of the Una railroad indicates the potential to open new markets, i.e. increase the competitiveness of seaports, strengthen the economy of the Republic of Croatia and achieve numerous economic, social and environmental benefits.
Unska pruga
srednjodalmatinske luke
proračun konkurentnosti
Keywords (english)
Una railway
Central-Dalmatian ports
competitiveness calculation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:164:934137
Study programme Title: Nautical Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka nautike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka nautike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2024-01-19 09:46:09