Title Tehnologija block chain u pomorskom lancu opskrbe
Title (english) Block Chain in maritime supply chain
Author Roko Sikimić
Mentor Ivan Pavić (mentor)
Committee member Danko Kezić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Joško Šoda (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies (Department of nautical studies) Split
Defense date and country 2024-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Abstract Blockchain tehnologija je moderna i inovativna tehnologija koja je dobila naziv po blokovima podataka koji predstavljaju srž ove tehnologije. Ova tehnologija povezuje blokove podataka temeljene na vremenskoj sekvenci, da bi se formirala lančana struktura podataka, što objašnjava naziv blockchaina, tj. ulančanih blokova. Osim blokova podataka, ova tehnologija se bazira na P2P sustavima i mrežama, tj. ravnopravnim članovima ili čvorovima unutar sustava ili mreža.
Ova tehnologija je isprva
... More postala popularna kao alat za trgovanje kriptovalutama, ali se razvila u platformu za pružanje pouzdanih usluga. Neke od poznatijih primjena su upravljanje vlasništvom te stvaranje ili prijenos digitalnih fiat valuta, kriptovaluta, digitalne imovine, usluge povezane s digitalnim identitetom, notarske usluge, revizijske usluge, porezne usluge, upravljanje procesom glasanja, upravljanje raznom dokumentacijom itd.
Pomorski lanci opskrbe su također veoma kompleksni u današnje vrijeme te se suočavaju s mnogim izazovima. Blockchain tehnologija nudi rješenje za neke od tih izazova. Radi digitalne, transparentne i sljedive prirode ove tehnologije, ona se može iskoristiti za npr. bolje upravljanje teretom kako bi bilo manje praznih pošiljki, praćenje i provjeru kontejnera te praćenje, snimanje i mjerenje raznih podataka kako bi se npr. poboljšala ekološka održivost pomoću praćenja ispuštanja otpada s brodova.
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je detaljna obrada blockchain tehnologije i pomorskih lanaca opskrbe, uz analizu prednosti, nedostataka i primjera primjene blockchain tehnologije u pomorskim lancima opskrbe. Napravljen je pregled literature o načinima korištenja blockchain tehnologije i primjene unutar pomorskih lanaca opskrbe. Zaključeno je da primjena blockchain tehnologije u pomorskih lancima opskrbe predstavlja težak i kompleksan zadatak te da bi se puni potencijal ove tehnologije realizirao, potrebno je razriješiti razne tehničke i netehničke izazove. Nadalje, neke primjene ove tehnologije se uspješno koriste te donose značajan napredak pomorskoj industriji, koji je u skladu s zahtjevima današnjeg vremena koje industrija mora ispuniti. Less
Abstract (english) Blockchain technology is a modern and innovative technology that takes its name from the data blocks that form the core of this technology. This technology links data blocks based on a temporal sequence to form a chain structure of data, which explains the name blockchain, i.e. chained blocks. In addition to data blocks, this technology is based on P2P systems and networks, i.e. peer members or nodes within systems or networks.
This technology initially became popular as a tool for
... More trading cryptocurrencies, but has evolved into a platform for providing reliable services. Some of the most prominent applications are property management and the creation or transfer of digital fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies, digital assets, digital identity services, notary services, auditing services, tax services, voting process management, document management, etc.
Maritime supply chains are also very complex today and face many challenges. Blockchain technology offers a solution to some of these challenges. Due to the digital, transparent and traceable nature of this technology, it can be used, for example, for better cargo management to reduce empty shipments, to track and control containers and to track, record and measure various data, for example, to improve environmental sustainability by monitoring waste from ships.
The aim of this thesis is to provide a detailed treatment of blockchain technology and maritime supply chains with an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages as well as examples of the application of blockchain technology in maritime supply chains. A literature review was conducted on the possibilities of using blockchain technology and its application in maritime supply chains. It was found that the application of blockchain technology in maritime supply chains is a difficult and complex task. To realize the full potential of this technology, various technical and non-technical challenges need to be solved. In addition, some applications of this technology are being used successfully and are bringing significant progress to the maritime industry, which is in line with the demands of today's times that the industry must meet. Less
pomorska industrija
lanci opskrbe
Keywords (english)
maritime industry
supply chains
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:164:911757
Study programme Title: MARITIME ELECTROTECHNICAL AND IT TEHNOLOGIES – GRADUATE - UNIVERSITY Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorskih elektrotehničkih i informatičkih tehnologija (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorskih elektrotehničkih i informatičkih tehnologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2025-03-31
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Created on 2024-11-13 10:54:52