Title Ergonomija i upravljanje brodom kao problem
Title (english) Ergonomics and ship steering as a problem
Author Juri Karmelić
Mentor Paško Ivančić (mentor)
Committee member Veljko Plazibat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Mikelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies (Department of nautical studies) Split
Defense date and country 2018-05-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Abstract U ovom radu cilj je bio prikazati što više ergonomskih faktora na koje je moguće preventivno djelovati u brodskom okruženju s ciljem otklanjanja bilo kakve ugroze koja može rezultirati gubitkom ljudskog života, broda i imovine. Može se reći da mjesto u projektiranju i razvoju konstrukcije od samog starta ima ergonomija koja prikupljanjem i primjenom iskustvenih podataka dolazi do optimalnih rješenja na način prilagodbe teorija o čvrstoći sa iskustvenim podacima. Osnova se temelji na upravljačkim svojstvima broda i postojećoj komunikacijskoj opremi na brodu za vezu brod-brod i brod-obala. Zbog velike automatizacije pomorskih tehničkih sustava promatra se budući položaj čovjeka u sustavu jer je broj potrebnih članova posade na modernim brodovima značajno smanjen. Ističu se navigacijski instrumenti i njihova uloga u kreiranju rizičnog događaja. Upravljivost broda odnosi se na sustave koji su od presudne važnosti za eksploataciju broda kao i za učinkovitije reagiranje u iznenadnim okolnostima. Upravljivost se svodi na upravljačke uređaje čija je zadaća transformiranje energije u hidrodinamičku silu, koja se ogleda u održavanju željenog gibanja broda i promjenama stanja gibanja broda. Uz spomenute definicije ergonomije i ljudskog faktora vezanog za gradnju brodova i materijale gradnje, prikazani su najosnovniji razlozi pucanja materijala i sigurnosti samog brodskog trupa. Sve informacije korištene u radu zasnivaju se na preporukama Međunarodne pomorske organizacije (engl. International Maritime Organization – IMO) i Međunarodne konvencije o zaštiti života na moru (engl. The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea – SOLAS), donesenim za unaprjeđenje sigurnosti broda i osoblja te za upoznavanje s postupcima za izbjegavanje raznih problema i postupcima u akcijama traganja i spašavanja s ciljem smanjivanja posljedica na okoliš i uštede materijalnih resursa. Spomenute su najznačajnije pomorske nesreće koje su uvelike izmijenile poglede na sigurnost pomorskih sustava poput Titanica i Estonia, nakon kojih je došlo do brojnih izmjena i nadopuna pravilnika, prvenstveno u zahtjevima kakvoće materijala i sustava gradnje trupa broda, zatim u obliku, kvaliteti i broju osobnih sredstava za spašavanje, brodica za spašavanje, evakuacijskih sustava, sredstava za odašiljanje signala lokacije, te komunikacije u situacijama spašavanja između Pomorskog centra za koordinaciju traganja i spašavanja (engl. Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre- MRCC) i aktiviranih službi traganja i spašavanja.
Abstract (english) In this paper, the aim was to present as many ergonomic factors as possible preventive action in marine environments with the aim of eliminating any threats that could result in loss of human life, ship and property. It can be said that the site in the design and development of the construction from the very start has ergonomics that by collecting and applying experiential data comes to the optional solutions in the way of adapting the theory of strenght with the experiential data. The basis is based on the ship's steering qualities and on existing communication equipment on board for ship-to-ship and ship-to-coast connection. Due to the large automation of marine technical systems, the future position of man in the system is monitored because the number of crew members required on modern ships that has decreased significantly. Navigational instruments and their role in creating a risky event are emphasized. Ship management refers to systems that are of crucial importance for ship exploitation as well as for more effective response in sudden circumstances. Ship manageability comes down to control devices whose task is to transform energy into hydrodynamic force, which is reflected in maintaining the desired motion of the ship and changes in the motion of the ship. Along with the afore mentioned definitions of ergonomics and human factors related to the construction of ships and building materials, the most fundamental reasons for the material crush and the safety of the hull itself are presented. All informations used in the work are based on the International Maritime Organization(IMO) and International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS), adopted to improve ship and personnel safety, and to meet procedures for avoiding various problems and procedures in search and rescue actions with a view to reducing the impact on the environment and the saving of the material resources. The most significant marine accidents were mentioned, which greatly changed the ship security considerations of maritime systems such as the Titanic and Estonia, after which there were numerous changes and amendments to the Rulebook, primarily in the requirements of the quality of the hull material nad shipbuilding systems, then in form, quality and number of personal lifesaving assets, rescue boats, evacuation systems, signal transmission facilities, and rescue communications between the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre(MRCC) and activated search and rescue services.
brodska oprema
Keywords (english)
ship equipment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:164:821205
Study programme Title: Maritime Technologies of Yachts and Marinas Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorske tehnologije (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorske tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2018-06-04 09:15:51