Title Statutarna certifikacija pomorskih brodova, stabilitet
Title (english) Statutory certification of sea-going vessels, stability
Author Ana Glavaš
Mentor Goran Belamarić (mentor)
Committee member Rino Bošnjak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gorana Jelić-Mrčelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies (Department of nautical studies) Split
Defense date and country 2018-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Abstract Kako bi se izbjegle prevelike razlike između nacionalnih propisa pojedinih država doneseni su, od strane Međunarodne pomorske organizacije, Međunarodne konvencije koje se moraju obavezno primjenjivati na brodovima svih zemalja uključenih u pomorski promet. Da bi se osigurala sigurnost broda za plovidbu i za obavljanje namijenjene mu funkcije moraju se zadovoljiti tehnički zahtjevi iz Pravila za statutarnu certifikaciju pomorskih brodova koja su propisana i donesena uglavnom od strane
... More klasifikacijskih društava u skladu s konvencijama i nacionalnim propisima. Zahtjevi međunarodnih pomorskih konvencija, kao i nacionalnih propisa traže da brodovi moraju biti projektirani, izgrađeni i održavani u skladu s odgovarajućim tehničkim propisima glede trupa, opreme trupa, strojnog uređaja, električne opreme i uređaja za upravljanje donesenih od stručne tehničke ustanove - klasifikacijskog društva. U tu svrhu uspostavljen je sustav Pravila za klasifikaciju brodova sukladno kojima brod mora biti nadziran tijekom gradnje. Nadzor nad gradnjom glede statutarnih stavki obuhvaća provjeru tijekom projektiranja i gradnje broda, te ugradnje strojeva, uređaja i opreme u brod kako bi se osiguralo da je isti izgrađen u skladu sa zahtjevima sljedećih propisa (uključujući i pripadajuće izmjene i dopune).
U ovom radu posebno se ističe važnost obavljanja propisanih tehničkih nadzora radi pregleda broda i njegovih uređaja, opreme u zadanim vremenskim rokovima kako bi se izdavanjem, ili ovjerom, propisanih statutarnih isprava potvrdilo da je brod sposoban za plovidbu i za obavljanje svoje funkcije.
U radu je kao primjer obrađen prikaz radnji koje se moraju obaviti prilikom pregleda brodskog trupa, a u skladu s propisanim zahtjevima iz Pravila za tehnički nadzor pomorskih brodova. Less
Abstract (english) In order to avoid significant differences between the national regulations of individual states, international conventions were made by the International Maritime Organization, which have to be applied on ships of all countries involved in maritime transport. In order to ensure ship safety and the ability to function, the technical requirements of the statutory certification of sea-going vessels, which are prescribed and made by the Classification societies in accordance with the
... More convention and national regulations. The requirements of International maritime conventions as well as national regulations require that ships have to be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the appropriate technical regulations for hull, hull equipment, machine equipment, electrical equipment and control devices issued by a technical service-classification society. To this end, a system of Rules for the classification of ships has been established according to which the ships have to be inspected during construction. Construction supervision over statutory items includes verification during design and construction of the ship, and installation of machinery, devices and equipment in the ships to ensure that it is constructed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulations (including any amendments).
This graduated thesis outlines the importance of performing the prescribed technical controls in order to inspect the ship and its equipment and inspecting equipment within the prescribed timeframe for the purpose of distinguishing or certifying the statutory regulations to confirm that the ship is capable of sailing and performing its function.
The thesis provides an example of the actions that have to be taken during inspection of the hull and in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the technical supervision of ships. Less
Međunarodna pomorska organizacija
Međunarodne konvencije
Pravila za statutarnu certifikaciju pomorskih brodova
Klasifikacijsko društvo
tehnički nadzor.
Keywords (english)
International Maritime Organization
the International convention
Rules for statutary certification of maritime ships
Classification society
tehnical controls.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:164:346102
Study programme Title: Maritime Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorskog menadžmenta (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka pomorskog menadžmenta)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2019-02-08 09:32:05