Title Kiselo-bazna i elektrokemijska svojstva meso(ortho- i meta-N-alkilpiridil)manganoporfirina
Author Tin Weitner
Mentor Mladen Biruš (mentor)
Committee member Olga Kronja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Biruš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Mandić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of general and inorganic chemistry) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2010, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 615 - Pharmacology. Therapeutics. Toxicology
Abstract Istraživanje oksidativnog stresa stanica i molekula koje mogu umanjiti ili ukloniti oštećenja stanica uzrokovana njime predmetom je velikog interesa suvremenih istraživanja. Molekulne vrste koje uzrokuju oksidativni stres su reaktivne vrste kisika (ROS) i dušika (RNS), poput superoksidnog aniona (O2
•-), peroksinitrita (ONOO-) ili hidroksilnog radikala (OH•). Djelotvornu obranu stanice od O2
•- čine enzimi iz klase superoksid-dismutaza (SOD) koji kataliziraju reakciju 2O2
•- + 2H+ → H2O2 +
... More O2. Potraga za terapijskim
sredstvima koja bi mogla neutralizirati O2
•- dovela je do razvoja makrocikličkih kompleksa prijelaznih kovina kao potencijalnih
redoks-aktivnih terapeutika. Zahvaljujući iznimnim elektronskim svojstvima, osobito djelotvornima pokazali su se spojevi iz klase
manganoporfirina (MnP) koji mogu stvarati redoks cikluse sa staničnim reducensima poput glutationa, tetrahidrobiopterina ili
askorbinske kiseline.
Pojačana djelotvornost manganoporfirinskih mimetika SOD postignuta je supstitucijom porfirinskog prstena, čime dolazi do
promjene redukcijskog potencijala kovinskog iona. Alkilacijom piridilskih prstena meso(orto-tetrapiridil) manganoporfirina
postignut je redukcijski potencijal vrlo blizak optimalnom, pri čemu se svojom aktivnošću ističe meso(orto-tetraetilpiridil)
manganoporfirin, MnTE-2-PyP. Pored prikladnog formalnog redukcijskog potencijala, za uspješnost djelovanja manganoporfirina
in vivo ključna je njihova lipofilnost. Povećanje lipofilnosti može se postići pomicanjem alkilnih supstituenata iz orto- u meta
položaje, te su nedavno sintetizirani meso(meta-tetraalkilpiridil) manganoporfirini, uključujući meso(meta-tetraetilpiridil)
manganoporfirin, MnTE-3-PyP. U prvom dijelu ovog rada istražena su kiselo-bazna svojstva meso(orto- i meta-tetraetilpiridil) manganoporfirina. U vodenim otopinama manganoporfirini koordiniraju do dvije aksijalno smještene molekule vode čija deprotonacija može imati velik utjecaj na redukcijski potencijal manganoporfirina i time na njihovu citoprotektivnu djelotvornost. U vodenim otopinama kompleksa MnP u rasponu vrijednosti pH 2-13 potvrđeno je postojanje sljedećih specija: (H2O) Mn(II)TE-m-PyP4+, (HO) Mn(II)TE-m-PyP3+, (H2O)2Mn(III)TE-m-PyP5+, (H2O)(HO)Mn(III)TE-m-PyP4+, (O)(H2O)Mn(III)TE-m-PyP3+, (O)(H2O)Mn(IV)TE-m-PyP4+ i (O)(HO)Mn(IV)TE-m-PyP3+ (m =2, 3). Spektrofotometrijskim titracijama određene su sve konstante disocijacije koje povezuju navedene specije u navedenom rasponu vrijednosti pH, kao i termodinamički parametri navedenih konstanata disocijacije. S obzirom da je vrijednost redukcijskog potencijala ključna za njihovo biološko djelovanje, u drugom dijelu ovog rada istražena su elektrokemijska svojstva meso(orto- i meta-tetraetilpiridil) manganoporfirina. Cikličkom voltametrijom određeni su apsolutni formalni redukcijski potencijali i formalni redukcijski potencijali prema standardnoj vodikovoj elektrodi koji povezuju navedene specije u rasponu vrijednosti pH 2-13, kao i termodinamički parametri navedenih formalnih redukcijskih potencijala. Također su određeni elektrokemijski parametri elektronskih prijelaza navedenih specija i potvrđeni računalnim simulacijama mjerenja. Kronokulometrijskim mjerenjima određeni su difuzijski koeficijenti specija MnP i procijenjene veličine njihovih vodenih šupljina. Naposljetku, konstruirana je potpuna shema koja bi mogla opisati ponašanje kompleksa MnP u vodenim otopinama navedenom rasponu vrijednosti pH, s obzirom na navedene disocijacijske i redoks ravnoteže. Less
Abstract (english) There has been a great deal of interest in the research of cellular oxidative stress and particularly the molecules which could alleviate the damage it can cause. Molecular species causing oxidative stress are the reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen species (RNS), such as superoxide anion (O2
•-), peroxynitrite (ONOO-) or hydroxyl radical (OH•). A class of enzymes called the superoxide
dismutases (SOD), catalyzing the reaction 2O2
•- + 2H+ → H2O2 + O2, constitutes an effective cellular
... More protection from oxidative
damage. Macrocyclic complexes of transition metals have been developed as potential redox-active therapeutics able to neutralize O2
•-. The compounds from the class of manganese porphyrins (MnPs) have been shown to be particularly effective, due to their unique electronic properties enabling them to construct redox cycles that involve the consumption of superoxide and NO-derived oxidants at the expense of readily available biochemical reductants like glutathione, tetrahydrobiopterine or ascorbic acid. The increased activity of MnPs has been achieved by attenuating the metal-centered redox potential using various substituents to the porphyrin ring. The alkylation of the meso(ortho-tetrapyridyl) MnP yielded the redox potential close to optimal and one of the most active compounds was found to be the meso(ortho-tetraethylpyridyl) derivative, MnTE-2-PyP. Besides the appropriate redox potential, the efficiency of MnPs as scavengers of reactive species is influenced by their lipophylicity. Changing the position of alkyl substituents from ortho- to meta- positions on the porphyrin ring increases lipophilicity and new meso(meta-tetraalkylpyridyl) derivatives have been synthesized recently, including meso(meta-tetraethylpyridyl) derivative, MnTE-3-PyP. In the first part of this work, acid-base properties of meso(ortho- i meta-tetraethylpyridyl) MnPs have been investigated. In aqueous solutions MnP complexes can coordinate two axial water molecules which can deprotonate and have a significant influence on the redox potential of MnPs and therein their citoprotective activity. The following species have been confirmed to exist in aqueous solutions in the pH range 2-13: (H2O) Mn(II)TE-m-PyP4+, (HO)Mn(II)TE-m-PyP3+, (H2O)2Mn(III)TE-m-PyP5+, (H2O)(HO)Mn(III)TE-m-PyP4+, (O)(H2O)Mn(III)TE-m-PyP3+, (O)(H2O)Mn(IV)TE-m-PyP4+ and (O)(HO)Mn(IV)TE-m-PyP3+ (m
=2, 3).. Using the combined potentiometric and spectrophotometric measurements all dissociation constants connecting these species have been determined, as well as the thermodynamic parameters of dissociation reactions.
Considering that the redox potential of MnPs is crucial for their biological activity, in the second part of this work the
electrochemical properties of meso(ortho- and meta-tetraethylpyridyl) MnPs have been investigated. The absolute formal potentials and the formal potentials vs. standard hydrogen electrode have been determined by cyclic voltammetry in the pH range 2-13 and the thermodynamic parameters of these formal potentials have been determined as well. Additionally, the electrochemical parameters of these electron transitions have been determined and confirmed by computer simulations. Chronocoulometric measurements enabled the determination of the diffusion coefficients of the MnP species and the sizes of their water cavities have been estimated. Finally, a complete scheme describing the behaviour of MnP complexes in aqueous solutions in the pH range 2-13 has been constructed, taking into account the dissociation and redox equilibria. Less
ciklička voltametrija
konstante disocijacije
lektrokemijski parametri
Keywords (english)
cyclic voltammetry
dissociation constants
electrochemical parameters
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:035150
Promotion 2010
Study programme Title: Pharmacy and biochemistry Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor znanosti (doktor znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-05-02 13:22:25