Title Procjena programa Stručnog osposobljavanja za ljekarnike temeljenog na kompetencijama
Title (english) Assessment of competency based professional training for pharmacist
Author Matea Kranželić
Mentor Maja Ortner Hadžiabdić (mentor)
Committee member Maja Ortner Hadžiabdić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Bach-Rojecky (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Jurišić Grubešić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Centre for applied pharmacy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-04-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Primaran cilj ovog rada bila je procjena kvalitete programa SOF-a za ljekarnike. Također, ispitivalo se koje varijable
utječu na uspješnost studenata na praktičnom djelu završnog ispita. Ovo istraživanje uključivalo je 126 studenata
farmacije. Analizirala se samoprocjena studenata prema HLJKO u dvije različite vremenske točke na početku i na
kraju SOF-a. Kako bi procijenili te usvojene kompetencije, odnosno način izvršavanja zadatka u praksi, korišten je
OSKI čije smo rezultate naveli u ovome radu. Nadalje, kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom obradom odgovora studenata
na postavljena anketna pitanja analiziralo se zadovoljstvo studenata programom SOF-a te mentorima. Uspoređujući
visine srednjih ocjena samoprocjene u dvije različite vremenske točke pokazano je da je postignut napredak tijekom
SOF-a u sva četiri kompetencijska klastera te u svim promatranim kompetencijama. Rezultati postignuti na OSKI-ju
su vrlo dobri (>80 %), izuzev ispitne stanice rješavanja kliničkog slučaja gdje je rezultat 73,74 %. Najveći udio
studenata (47,6 %) smatra da je program SOF dobar, dok nešto višu ocjenu (vrlo dobar) daju organizaciji programa.
Pokazalo se da su studenti najmanje zadovoljni s djelom programa koji uključuje posjete analitičkom i galenskom
laboratoriju. Da im je izvršavanje zadanih zadataka pomoglo pri učenju i radu tijekom SOF-a smatra manji udio
studenata (21,9 %). Nadalje, preko 60 % studenata navodi da im nedostaju znanja iz određenih područja, a bitna su
za rad u ljekarni. Jednako tako, pokazalo se da su studenti najzadovoljniji svojim mentorima gdje 77,7 % procjenjuje
odnos mentora prema studentu odličan. Studenti koji su počeli raditi za recepturom tijekom prvog mjeseca SOF-a
postigli su statistički više rezultate na OSKI-ju (p=0,050). Zaključno, razvoj vještine samoprocjene je bitan element
stručnog obrazovanja te omogućuje prepoznati prednosti, i nedostatke pojedinca što čini temelj za trajni stručni
razvoj. U skladu s tim trebalo bi više pozornosti posvetiti razvoju vještine samoprocjene kod studenata. Sveukupno
gledajući uspješnost studenata na OSKI-ju je vrlo dobra te stoga možemo zaključiti da su SOF kao i korištene
metode procjene omogućili studentima stručni razvoj. Isto tako pokazalo se da su studenti najveće zadovoljstvo
izrazili vezano za njihove mentore koji su ih vodili kroz SOF.
Abstract (english) The primary aim of this study was to evaluate professional training program (SOF) for pharmacy students. Moreover, this
study explored the association of different variables with students’ success at Objective structured clinical examination
(OSCE). This study included 126 pharmacy students. The self-assessment of students using CCF was analysed in two
different time points at the beginning and at the end of SOF. Additionally we used OSCE exam in order to more accurately
evaluate students' skills acquired during SOF. Furthermore, satisfaction with SOF and their mentors was examined and
analysed by quantitative and qualitative questionnaire. By comparing the mean scores of self-assessed competencies at two different time points, we observed students' progress during the SOF in all four competency clusters and in all assessed competencies. The results of OSCE achievements were very good (> 80 %), except in the hospitalized patient case station where the result was 73.74%. Most of the students assessed (47.6%) SOF good, while a slightly higher rating was given to the organization of the program. It turned out that the students were less satisfied with the part of a program that included visits to the analytical and galenic laboratory. A smaller proportion of students believed that the performance of the required tasks were helpful for learning process. Furthermore, over 60% of students stated that they lack knowledge of certain areas that were important for community pharmacy job. Likewise, it turned out that students were most satisfied with their mentors, where 77.7% expressed that their relationship with the mentor was excellent. Students who started working on dispensing medicines within a month achieved better results on OSCE than those who started later (p=0.050). The development of self-assessed skills is valuable for student' professional training and it provides the insight into individual's strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, more attention should be devoted to the development of self-assessment skills in students' population. Overall, the student's success at OSKI was very good and we can conclude that SOF program as well as the method of assessment enables students' professional development. Moreover, students expressed the highest satisfaction with their mentors.
ljekarnička skrb
trajni stručni razvoj
edukacija temeljena na kompetencijama
Keywords (english)
pharmacy care
competency-based education
continuing professional development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:132499
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-02-24 08:26:25