Title Električno polje u liječenju tumora
Title (english) Electric field in tumor treatment
Author Denaj Novak
Mentor Erim Bešić (mentor)
Committee member Erim Bešić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Gabričević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tin Weitner (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of biophysics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Rak je druga po smrtnosti najučestalija bolest na svijetu. Zbog svoje kompleksnosti, liječenje još uvijek nije efikasno u
mnogim slučajevima. Zbog raznolikih vrsta tumora i mutacija koje se pojavljuju, veoma je teško pronaći standardiziranu terapiju.
Korištenje električnih polja spada u novije metode pri liječenju tumora i još je relativno neistraženo, ali obećavajuće
područje. Poboljšava unos lijekova u stanicu, koristi se kod genske terapije i u ablaciji tumorskog tkiva. Terapija je veoma
... More sigurna,
nuspojave nisu izražene i postotak oporavka pacijenata je veoma visok.
Dva su glavna ishoda djelovanja električnog polja na membranu. Ireverzibilna i reverzibilna elektroporacija. Kod
ireverzibilne elektroporacije, struktura membrane je trajno narušena i ona se neće vratiti u prvotno stanje, te se time postiže smrt
stanice. Kod reverzibilne elektroporacije, membrana se vraća u prvobitno stanje, te ne dolazi do smrti stanice.
Elektrokemoterapija je poboljšan način dostave lijeka u tumorsku stanicu. Pomoću električnog polja se povećava
propusnost membrane, te lijek lakše ulazi u tumorsku stanicu. Primjenom elektrokemoterapije, smanjuje se potreba doza
kemoterapeutike za liječenje, broj nuspojava je reduciran, profil liječenja je poboljšan.
Bleomicin i cisplatin su indentificirani kao lijekovi koji bi mogli imat poboljšanu terapiju sa elektrokemoterapijom.
Istraživanja sa bleomicinom su pokazala da ima 50% poboljšano djelovanje kada se primjenjuje sa elektrokemoterapijom, u odnos
na primjenjivanje njega samog.
Genska terapija je nov pristup liječenju tumora. Može se koristiti da se ispravi gubitak funkcije uzrokovan mutacijom ili
da se eksprimira genski proizvod s nedostatkom na fiziološkoj razini. Less
Abstract (english) Cancer is the second most common disease in the world. Due to its complexity, treatment is still not effective in many cases. Due
to the various types of tumors and mutations that occur, it is very difficult to find standardized therapy.
The use of electric fields is one of the newer methods in the treatment of tumors and is still a relatively unexplored but promising
area. It improves the uptake of drugs into the cell, is used in gene therapy and in the ablation of tumor tissue. The
... More therapy is very safe,
the side effects are not pronounced and the recovery rate of the patients is very high.
There are two main outcomes of the action of an electric field on a membrane. Irreversible and reversible electroporation. In
irreversible electroporation, the structure of the membrane is permanently disrupted and it will not return to its original state, thus
achieving cell death. With reversible electroporation, the membrane returns to its original state, and cell death does not occur.
Electrochemotherapy is an improved way of delivering a drug to a tumor cell. The electric field increases the permeability of the
membrane, and the drug enters the tumor cell more easily. With the application of electrochemotherapy, the need for doses of
chemotherapy for treatment is reduced, the number of side effects is reduced, the treatment profile is improved.
Bleomycin and cisplatin have been identified as drugs that could have improved electrochemotherapy. Studies with bleomycin
have shown that it has a 50% improved effect when administered with electrochemotherapy, compared to self-administration.
Gene therapy is a new approach to treating tumors. It can be used to correct a loss of function caused by a mutation or to
express a deficient gene product at the physiological level. Less
električno polje
genska terapija
ireverzibilna elektroporacija
reverzibilna elektroporacija
Keywords (english)
electric field
gene therapy
irreversible electroporation
reversible electroporation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:484515
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-05-12 15:21:30