Title Upotreba antidepresiva u studentskoj populaciji
Title (english) Use of antidepressants among college students
Author Matea Cvitković
Mentor Lidija Bach-Rojecky (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Bach-Rojecky (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Pepić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miranda Sertić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of pharmacology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-10-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Sve je veća zabrinutost za metalno zdravlje studentske populacije s obzirom da istraživanja pokazuju stalni rast
prevalencije mentalnih poremećaja i upotrebe lijekova za njihovo liječenje koja se udvostručila kroz zadnje desetljeće.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio procijeniti kakvo je mentalno zdravlje hrvatskih studenata i kolika je učestalost primijene
lijekova iz skupine antidepresiva. Presječno se istraživanje provodilo tijekom rujna 2021. godine, a uključivalo je
studente diljem Republike Hrvatske. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 213 ispitanika, od toga 174 žene i 39 muškaraca.
Pomoću PHQ-9 upitnika koji procjenjuje prisustvo i intenzitet simptoma depresije odredio se stupanj depresivnosti
ispitanika te je pokazano da je prevalencija depresije čak 39%, a najčešće je zastupljena umjereno teška depresija. Na
različitu zastupljenost depresije među ispitanicima utjecaj su imali mjesto u kojem se nalazi fakultet, sam studij kao i
godina studiranja, a dodatan utjecaj na ispitanike imala je i pandemija COVID-19. Veliki broj ispitanika je razmišljao o
traženju stručne pomoći dok je njih 19,7% zatražilo istu pa im je propisana potrebna terapija u obliku farmakoterapije,
psihoterapije ili kombinacije te dvije terapijske mogućnosti. Antidepresive koristi 11,7% ispitanika, a kao najčešći oblik
terapije navode kombinaciju antidepresiva s benzodiazepinima pa je tako diazepam bio najčešće upotrebljavan lijek
među ispitanicima. Treba naglasiti i kako je većina studenata (79,81%) upoznata s mogućim nuspojavama te kako većina
ispitanika odgovorno shvaća upotrebu farmakoterapije te njih 64% ne miješa lijekove s alkoholom. Premda se radi o
ispitivanju na malom uzroku studenata, rezultati ukazuju da su problemi s mentalnim zdravljem vrlo prisutni. Kako bi
se zaustavio uzlazni trend porasta mentalnih poremećaja u studentskoj populaciji, potrebno je uvesti i provoditi posebne
mjere i intervencije s ciljem prevencije, ranog otkrivanja problema, pravovremenog dijagnosticiranja bolesti i uvođenja
individualizirane terapije.
Abstract (english) There is a growing concern for the mental health of the student population according to studies showing steady increase
in prevalence of mental disorders and the use of medications for their treatment which has doubled over the last decade.
The aim of this study was to assess the mental health of Croatian students and the frequency of using medications from
the group of antidepressants. The cross – sectional survey was conducted during September 2021 and it has included
students throughout the Republic of Croatia. 213 respondents were participated in the survey of wich 174 were women
and 39 were men. The PHQ-9 questionnaire, which assesses the presence and intensity of depressive symptoms,
determined the degree of the depression of te respondents and showed that the prevalance of the depression was even
39% high and that the moderately severe depression was most common. The different prevalence of the depression
among the respondents has influenced by the place where the faculty is located, the study itself as the year of study, and
the COVID-19 pandemic had an additional impact on the respondents. A large number of respondents considered
seeking a professional help, while 19,7% of them asked for it so they were prescribed the adequate therapy in the form
of pharmacoteraphy, psychotherapy or a combination of these two treatment options. Antidepressants are used by 11,7%
respondents and the most common form of therapy is the combination of antidepressants with benzodiazepines which
shows that the diazepam was the most commonly used medication among respondents. It should be emphasized that the
majority of students (79,81%) are aware of the possibility of side effects and that the most of them responsibly
understand the use of pharmacotherapy and 64% of them do not mix medications with alcohol. Although it is a small
sample of students, the results indicate a high presence of mental health problems. In order to stop the growing trend of
mental disorders in the student population, it is necessary to introduce and implement special measures and interventions
aimed at prevention, early detection of the problem, prompt diagnosis of the disease and introduction of the
individualized therapy.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:247366
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-02-09 11:00:08