Title Inhibitori kontrolnih točaka u terapiji malignih bolesti
Title (english) Checkpoint inhibitors in therapy of malignant diseases
Author Lidija Gavran
Mentor Hrvoje Rimac (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Rimac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Pavić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijan Marijan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of medicinal chemistry) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Broj osoba oboljelih od malignih bolesti u stalnom je porastu, a maligne su bolesti drugi najčešći uzrok smrti u Republici Hrvatskoj. Imunoterapija je jedna od metoda liječenja raka, a za razliku od ostalih terapijskih koncepata, prvenstveno ima za cilj spriječiti metastatsko širenje bolesti i poboljšati kvalitetu života oboljelih. Pristupi koji se primjenjuju u imunoterapiji temelje se na nadopunjavanju ili stimulaciji imunosnog sustava preko mnoštva spojeva među kojima su i antitijela protiv
... More kontrolnih točaka T-limfocita. Te autoregulacijske molekule služe održavanju imunosne ravnoteže, odnosno sprječavaju pretjerani imunosni odgovor i autoimune reakcije, no sprječavaju potpuni potencijal T-limfocita u borbi protiv tumora te su stoga postale zanimljiva terapijska meta. U proteklom desetljeću odobreno je nekoliko antitijela koje ciljaju kontrolne točke na T-limfocitima, ali i onih koji ciljaju neke druge molekule kao što su ligandi prisutni na različitim tumorima. U nekim indikacijama, ovakva se terapija može koristiti kao monoterapija, međutim većina indikacija uključuje kombiniranu terapiju dvaju protutijela ili kombinacije s drugim vrstama terapije kao što su radioterapija, kemoterapija bazirana na platini ili s inhibitorima tirozin kinaze. Međutim, zbog samog mehanizma djelovanja antitijela, često se javljaju imunosno posredovane nuspojave. Također, iniciranje terapije inhibitorima kontrolnih točaka općenito je otežano niskom stopom odgovora kod nekih pacijenata. Zbog toga je potrebno imati prediktivne biomarkere kojima bi se uspješnije mogle odrediti skupine pacijenata koji bi odgovorili na takvu terapiju, ali i odrediti toksičnost u pojedinih pacijenata te poboljšao ishod terapije. Nakon inicijalnih odobrenja, daljnja su istraživanja i odobrenja išla u smjeru proširivanja indikacija, kao i istraživanja novih molekula signalnog puta na koje se može djelovati, a koje uključuju i druge stanice osim T-limfocita, kao što su NK stanice, dendritičke stanice i makrofage. Osim na razvoj molekula s inhibitornim djelovanjem, sve je više istraživanja fokusirano na razvoj agonista kostimulacije T-limfocita poput onih koji ciljaju OX40, CD137 i GITR. Upravo se te nove molekule smatraju potencijalnim novim oružjem protiv raka. Daljnja istraživanja razvit će kombinacijske skupove biomarkera za predviđanje ishoda terapije i izbjegavanje imunosno posredovanih nuspojava. Također, potrebno je razviti integriraniji pristup kako bi se identificirale podskupine pacijenata pogodne za pojedini tip imunosne terapije. Less
Abstract (english) The number of patients suffering from malignant diseases is constantly increasing; malignant diseases are the second most common cause of death in the Republic of Croatia. Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment, and unlike the other therapeutic concepts, it primarily aims to prevent a metastatic spread of the disease and improve the quality of life. The approaches used in immunotherapy are based on stimulating the immune system with the variety of compounds, including antibodies against
... More T-cell checkpoints. These molecules are maintaining the immune balance i.e., they prevent an excessive immune response and autoimmune reactions, but they also prevent the full T-cell potential in fighting tumors and have, therefore, become an interesting therapeutic target. In the past decade, several antibodies have been approved that target T-cell checkpoints and other molecules, such as ligands present in various tumors. For some indications, checkpoint inhibitors may be used as a monotherapy; however, most indications involve a combination therapy consisting of two antibodies or combinations with radiotherapy, platinum-based chemotherapy or with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. However, immune-mediated adverse reactions often occur due to the mechanism of action of such therapy. Also, initiating therapy with checkpoint inhibitors is generally hampered by the low response rate in some patients. Therefore, it is necessary to have predictive biomarkers that could more successfully determine the groups of patients who would respond to such therapy, but also to determine toxicity in individual patients and improve the therapy outcome. Following initial approvals, further research and approvals go in the direction of expanding indications as well as studying new molecules that could be targeted beyond T-cells. These molecules include NK cells, dendritic cells, macrophages, and more. In addition, besides on molecules with inhibitory activity, recent research has focused on T-cell costimulation agonists such as those targeting OX40, CD137, and GITR. These new molecules are considered a potential new weapon against cancer. Further research will develop combination sets of biomarkers to predict therapy outcomes and avoid immune-mediated adverse reactions. Also, more integrated approaches should be developed to identify subgroups of patients suitable for each type of the aforementioned immune therapy. Less
inhibitori kontrolnih točaka
Keywords (english)
checkpoint inhibitors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:975292
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-02-10 14:58:43