Title N-glikozilacija alfa-1 kiselog glikoprotena kao potencijalni biljeg za predviđanje točne terapijske doze varfarina
Title (english) Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein N-glycosylation as a potential marker for prediction of required therapeutiac warfarin dose
Author Kevin Kovač
Mentor Toma Keser (mentor)
Committee member Toma Keser (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Olga Gornik Kljaić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miranda Sertić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of biochemistry and molecular biology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Alfa-1 kiseli glikoprotein (AGP) ili orosomukoid (ORM) plazmatski je protein čija su svojstva povezana s velikom količinom vezanih N-glikana različite kompleksnosti koji su razmješteni na pet različitih glikozilacijskih mjesta na proteinu te čine otprilike 45% njegove ukupne mase. Iako biološka uloga AGP-a nije sasvim razjašnjena, utjecaj sastava vezanih N-glikana i promjene u njegovoj glikozilaciji povezane su s raznim imunomodulatornim, protuupalnim i patološkim procesima. Također, njegova sposobnost vezanja lijekova čini ga, uz albumin, najvažnijim serumskim transportnim proteinom te on bitno utječe na bioraspoloživost istih.
Jedan od takvih lijekova za koje se pretpostavlja da N-glikom AGP-a utječe na njegov afinitet vezanja je upravo varfarin. Varfarin je relativno star, ali i danas najpropisivaniji lijek u antikoagulantnoj terapiji unatoč kompliciranom režimu doziranja i brojnim interakcijama s drugim lijekovima. Iznimno je potentnog djelovanja i uzimajući u obzir njegovu usku terapijsku širinu i izražene interindividualne razlike u terapiji, potrebno je redovno raditi laboratorijske testove kojima se osigurava optimalna doza te smanjuje rizik od nastanka krvnog ugruška ili krvarenja ukoliko je doza preniska, odnosno previsoka. Jedan od uzroka varijabilnosti doze u terapiji varfarinom, uz brojne negenske faktore, pronađen je u genskim polimorfizmima enzima CYP2C9 i VKORC1. Uzimanjem u obzir jedinstvene kliničke i genske informacije, što je jedna od temeljnih odrednica personalizirane medice, te stremljenjem prema indvidualizaciji terapije, predloženo je provođenje farmakogenomskih testova na spomenute polimorfizme enzima s ciljem optimizacije terapije varfarinom.
In vitro studijom na asijaliniziranom AGP-u dokazano da visoka razgranatost i fukozilacija njegovih N-glikana smanjuje afinitet vezanja varfarina te se ovim radom htio ispitati utjecaj N-glikozilacije humanog AGP-a na doziranje tijekom terapije varfarinom in vivo. Metoda kojom je obogaćen AGP iz uzoraka plazme pacijenata koji primaju različite doze varfarina podrazumijevala je precipitaciju kiselinama i proteolitičku razgradnju tripsinom. Glikopeptidi AGP-a daljnje su obogaćeni ekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi te su potom analizirani reverzno-faznom LC-MS metodom. Rezultati dobiveni regresijskom analizom, kojom se htjela dokazati povezanost N-glikozilacije AGP-a i doziranja varfarina, pokazali su se statistički značajnim samo kod glikozilacijskog mjesta IORMIF za bi-antenarne N-glikane, ali, iako nije statistički značajno, vidljiva je sklonost da se povećanjem grananja i fukozilacije N-glikana AGP-a smanjuje potrebna doza varfarina. Provedenim in vivo istraživanjem djelomično su potvrđeni rezultati in vitro studije te su za dokaz kliničkog značaja promjene u N-glikozilaciji AGP-a kod doziranja varfarina potrebne daljnje studije s većim brojem reprezentativnih uzoraka i sofisticiranijim metodama statističke analize.
Abstract (english) Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein or orosomucoid is a plasma protein whose characteristics are associated with a high abundance of bound N-glycans of different complexity that are arranged across five different glycosylation sites on the protein and contribute to roughly 45% of its total mass. Although the biological role of AGP is not completely elucidated, the effect of the composition of the bound N-glycans and the changes in its glycosylation are related with different immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and pathological processes. In addition, its ability to bind drugs makes it, alongside albumin, the most important serum transport protein and it has a major effect on the bioavailability of those drugs.
One of the drugs for which it is assumed that the N-glycome of AGP affects its binding affinity is warfarin. Warfarin is a relatively old drug, but even today it is the most proscribed drug in anticoagulant therapy, despite its complicated dosing regime and numerous interactions with other drugs. It is a highly potent drug and considering its narrow therapeutic range and expressed inter-individual differences in therapy, it is required to continuously do laboratory tests which ensure optimal dosing, as well as reduce the risk of a blood cloth or bleeding when the dose is too low or too high, respectively. One of the reasons for dose variability in warfarin therapy, besides many non-genetic factors, was found in genetic polymorphisms of the enzymes CYP2C9 and VKORC1. By taking into consideration unique clinical and genetic information, one of the fundamental determinants of personalized medicine, and by striving towards therapy individualization, pharmacogenomic tests are proposed to be conducted for the aforementioned enzymes with the aim to optimize warfarin therapy.
An in vitro study on asialo-AGP demonstrated that high branching and fucosylation of its N-glycans reduces the binding affinity of warfarin. This study wanted to analyze the effect of human AGP N-glycosylation on the dosing of warfarin during therapy in vivo. The method which was used for the enrichment of AGP from plasma samples of patients who take different doses of warfarin included precipitation using acids and proteolytic cleavage using trypsin. The AGP glycopeptides were further enriched with solid phase extraction and analyzed using a reverse-phased LC-MS method. The results of the regression analysis, which was used to demonstrate the connection between AGP N-glycosylation and warfarin dosing, have showed a statistically significant change only at the glycosylation site IORMIF for bi-antennary N-glycans, but, although not statistically significant, a trend was visible in which higher branching and fucosylation of AGPs N-glycans result in the need for a lower warfarin dose. The conducted in vivo research has partially confirmed the results of the in vitro study. However, in order to prove the clinical significance of N-glycosilation change in AGP with warfarin dosing further research with a greater and more representative sample size as well as more sophisticated statistical methods is needed.
alfa-1 kiseli glikoprotein
Keywords (english)
alpha-1 acid glycoprotein
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:464803
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-02-10 15:46:37