Title Utjecaj eteričnog ulja biljne vrste Satureja montana L. i timola na pokretljivost te proteolitičku aktivnost bakterije Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Title (english) Influence of Satureja montana L. essential oil and thymol on motility and proteolytic activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Author Fran Duspara
Mentor Gordana Maravić Vlahoviček (mentor)
Committee member Gordana Maravić Vlahoviček (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Šegvić Klarić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Bival Štefan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of biochemistry and molecular biology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-03-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Pseudomonas aeruginosa ubikvitarni je oportunistički patogen koji je sve češći uzročnik bolničkih infekcija, primarno kod imunokompromitiranih pacijenata i pacijenata s kroničnim ranama. Predstavlja sve veći problem u zdravstvu upravo zbog brojnih faktora virulencije koji omogućuju bakteriji prodor u i kroz tkivo domaćina i sposobnosti izbjegavanja imunosnog sustava domaćina. Ima brojne efektivne mehanizme rezistencije na antibiotike što dodatno otežava proces liječenja. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
... More je sposobna stvoriti biofilm, a stvaranje biofilma je pod kontrolom bakterijske međustanične komunikacije. Isto tako, pod kontrolom bakterijske međustanične komunikacije su kretanje bakterije u obliku rojenja, rezistencija na antibiotike, stvaranje i izlučivanje faktora virulencije poput proteaza koje imaju sposobnost razgradnje tkiva domaćina, te ostalih sekundarnih metabolita koji dodatno kompliciraju infekciju bakterijom. Budući da se javlja sve veća rezistencija na klasičnu terapiju antibioticima, počinje se uzimati u obzir mogućnost korištenja eteričnih ulja u u kombinaciji s antibioticima ili zasebno. Eterična ulja su odavno poznata po svojim antimikrobnim svojstvima te zbog više mehanizama djelovanja na bakterije, pokazuju se kao dobri kandidati za testiranje na rast P. aeruginosa. U ovom radu ispitan je utjecaj eteričnog ulja biljne vrste Satureja montana L. i njene glavne sastavnice timola u koncentraciji od 0,5 mg/mL, zasebno i u kombinaciji s aminoglikozidnim antibiotikom tobramicinom u subinhibitornim koncentracijama od 0,5 μg/mL i 2 μg/mL na pokretljivost u obliku rojenja i proteolitičku aktivnost Pseudomonas aeruginosa sojeva ATCC 27853, BB1285 (rmtD+), PA14 i PAO1. Tobramicin zasebno djeluje inhibitorno na rojenje i proteolitičku aktivnost svih sojeva osim BB1285 (rmtD+), upravo zbog njegove visoke rezistencije na aminoglikozide. Eterično ulje Satureja montana L. djeluje inhibitorno na proteolitičku aktivnost soja PA14, a za soj PAO1 nema izražen učinak, dok za soj ATCC 27853 i BB1285 (rmtD+) djeluje promotivno. Timol pokazuje inhibitorno djelovanje jačeg intenziteta na proteolitičku aktivnost za soj PA14 i PAO1, promotivno za soj BB1285 (rmtD+), a za soj ATCC 27853 nema izražen učinak. Eterično ulje Satureja montana L. i timol djeluju inhibitorno na rojenje sojeva ATCC 27853, PAO1 i PA14, a na soj BB1285 (rmtD+) nemaju učinka, s time da timol pokazuje inhibitorni učinak jačeg intenziteta. Eterično ulje Satureja montana L. i tobramicin u kombinaciji pokazuju sinergistički učinak i djeluju inhibitorno na proteolitičku aktivnost sojeva ATCC 27853, PA14 i PAO1, a na soj BB1285 (rmtD+) nemaju izraženog učinka. Kombinacija timola i tobramicina je pokazala isti učinak, no jačeg intenziteta. Eterično ulje Satureja montana L. i tobramicin u kombinaciji pokazuju inhibitorni učinak na rojenje za sojeve ATCC 27853, PAO1 i PA14, dok za soj BB1285 (rmtD+) ne pokazuje vidljivi učinak. Kod soja ATCC 27853, PAO1 i PA14 se vidi antagonističko djelovanje. Učinak kombinacije timola i tobramicina na rojenje je isti kao i kombinacija eteričnog ulja Satureja montana L. i tobramicina, no jačeg intenziteta, što upućuje da je timol sastavnica koja ima najznačajniji učinak u eteričnom ulju Satureja montana L. Rezultati ovoga rada doprinijet ćemo daljnjem istraživanju novih mogućnosti u borbi protiv infekcija uzrokovanih bakterijom Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Less
Abstract (english) Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous opportunistic pathogen that is becoming an increasingly common cause of hospital infections. It is an increasing problem in health care because of the numerous virulence factors that allow the bacteria to penetreate into and through the host's tissue and its ability to avoid the immune system of the host. It has numerous effective mechanisms of antibotic resistance, which further complicates the treatment process. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is capable of
... More producing biofilm, which is controlled by quorum sensing. Also, quorum sensing controls the movement of the bacteria in the form of swarming, antibiotic resistance, formation and excretion of various virulence factors, such as proteases that have the ability to break down the host's tissue and other secondary metabolites that further complicate the infection. Since the resistance to conventional antibiotic therapy is constantly increasing, the possibility of using essential oils separately or in combination with antibiotics may be considered. Essential oils have long been known for their antimicrobial properties and due to several mechanism of action towards bacteria, they are taken into consideration as good candidates for P. aeruginosa growth testing. This study examined the effects of Satureja montana L. essential oil and its main component thymol at a concentration of 0,5 mg/mL, separately and in combination with amynoglicoside tobramycin at subinhibitory concentrations of 0,5 μg/mL and 2 μg/mL on swarming motility and the proteolytic activity of P. aeruginosa strains ATCC 27853, BB1285 (rmtD+) PA14 and PAO1. Tobramycin showed an inhibitory effect on swarming and proteolytic activity of all strains except BB1285 (rmtD+) because of its high resistance to aminoglycosides. Satureja montana L. essential oil acted inhibitory to the proteolitic activity of strain PA14, but for the strain PAO1 it had no visible effect, while for strains ATCC 27853 and BB1285 (rmtD+) it stimulated the proteolytic activity. Thymol demonstrated inhibitory effect of higher intensity towards proteolytic activity of strains PA14 and PAO1, promotive effect for BB1285 (rmtD+) and no effect for strain ATCC27853. Satureja montana L. essential oil and thymol had an inhibitory effect on the swarming of strains ATCC 27853, PAO1 and PA14, but for the strain BB1285 (rmtD+) they showed no effect, with thymol showing inhibitory effect of higher intensity. Satureja montana L. essential oil and tobramycin in combination showed synergistic effect on reducing the proteolytic activity for strain ATCC 27853, PA14 and PAO1, but for strain BB1285 (rmtD+) they had no significant effect. The combination of thymol and tobramycin demonstrated the same effect, but of a higher intensity. Satureja montana L. essential oil and tobramycin in combination reduced the swarming of strains ATCC27853, PA14 and PAO1, while for strain BB1285 (rmtD+) they had no signicificant effect. Antagonistic effect of tobramycin and Satureja montana L. essential oil was shown on strains ATCC 27853, PAO1 and PA14. Effects of combination of thymol and tobramycin on swarming was the same as that of the combination of tobramycin and Satureja montana L., but of a higher intensity, which indicates that thymol is a component that has the most significant effect in Satureja montana L. The results of this study will hopefully contribute to further research of new possibilities in fighting Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Less
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
eterično ulje
Satureja montana L.
bakterijska međustanična komunikacija
proteolitička aktivnost
Keywords (english)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
essential oil
Satureja montana L.
quorum sensing
proteolytic activity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:887588
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-03-22 16:37:13