Title Farmakološki profil lijekova u terapiji sindroma iritabilnog crijeva
Title (english) Pharmacologic properties of drugs used in irritable bowel syndrome therapy
Author Sara Herek
Mentor Lidija Bach-Rojecky (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Bach-Rojecky (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Ortner Hadžiabdić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Hafner (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of pharmacology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-05-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Sindrom iritabilnog crijeva (engl. irritable bowel syndrome, IBS) najčešći je funkcionalni poremećaj crijeva koji zahvaća 11 % svjetske populacije. Kompleksni poremećaj rezultat je složenog međudjelovanja različitih patofizioloških mehanizama koji uključuju poremećaj u komunikaciji središnjeg i mijenteričkog živčanog sustava, poremećaj u sastavu i funkciji crijevne mikrobiote, visceralnu preosjetljivost i poremećaj motiliteta. IBS se prema kliničkoj slici dijeli u podskupine: IBS s dominantnom dijarejom, IBS s dominantnom konstipacijom i miješani oblik IBS-a. Liječenje IBS-a zahtjevan je proces zbog složene patofiziologije u kojem ne postoji jedan uzrok koji bi bio glavna meta liječenja. Promjenjiva priroda bolesti otežava praćenje liječenja i učinkovitosti primijenjenih metoda i lijekova. Terapija IBS-a trebala bi uključivati i nefarmakološke i farmakološke mjere, od kojih je farmakološka terapija u fokusu ovog rada. U farmakološkoj terapiji najvažnije mjesto zauzimaju laksativi i antidijaroici kao prva linija liječenja, zatim spazmolitici, lijekovi s djelovanjem na serotoninski sustav, antibiotici i antidepresivi u težim oblicima bolesti. Pristup liječenju bolesnika s IBS-om mora biti individualan koliko je to moguće. Izbor lijekova, doza i trajanje liječenja moraju se prilagoditi svakom pacijentu. Pregled najvažnijih karakteristika lijekova ukazuje da većina imaju povoljan farmakološki i sigurnosni profil, pogotovo lijekovi novije generacije. Najnoviji lijekovi su dalje usmjereni na nove mete uz poboljšanje farmakokinetskog i sigurnosnog profila u odnosu na starije lijekove. Korištenje antidepresiva u liječenju IBS-a zahtjeva poseban oprez i praćenje, jer su to lijekovi s najviše nuspojava, uz odgođeni terapijski učinak. Većina lijekova iz ostalih skupina svoje djelovanje ispoljava izravno u crijevima i ima minimalne sistemske nuspojave. Važno je naglasiti da su lijekovi koji se koriste u terapiji IBS-a vrlo raznoliki, djeluju različitim mehanizmima, ali dijele većinu nuspojava. Nuspojave su uglavnom vezane za GI trakt, a uključuju nadutost, mučninu, povraćanje, abdominalnu bol. Uloga farmaceuta iznimno je važna u povećanju kvalitete života pacijenata koji boluju od IBS-a. Klinički farmaceut kroz edukacije o bolesti, lijekovima, provođenju terapije i prilagodbi životnog stila može značajno povećati adherenciju na terapiju i utjecati na postizanje željenih ishoda liječenja. Ljekarnik ima važnu ulogu u praćenju pacijenta i prikladnom savjetovanju ovisno o tijeku bolesti te odabiru lijekova u bezreceptnom režimu.
Abstract (english) Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common functional bowel disorder, affecting 11 % of the world's population. This complicated disorder is the result of complex interaction of various pathophysiological mechanisms that include central and mienteric nervous system communication disorder, intestinal microbiota composition and function disorder, visceral hypersensitivity, and motility disorder. According to the clinical manifestations, IBS is divided into subgroups: diarrhoea predominant IBS, constipation predominant IBS and mixed form of IBS. The treatment of IBS is a demanding process due to the complex pathophysiology in which there is no one paticular cause that would be the main target of treatment. The unpredictable nature of the disease makes it difficult to monitor the treatment and effectiveness of the therapy. IBS therapy should include both nonphamacological and pharmacological measures, of which pharmacological therapy is the focus of this paper. In pharmacological therapy the most important place is taken by laxatives and antidiarrhoeals as the first line of treatment, followed by antispasmodics, drugs that affect the serotonin system, antibiotics and antidepressants in severe forms of IBS. Therapeutic approach must be as individual as possible. The choice of medication, dose and duration of treatment must be adjusted to each patient. An overview of the most important drug characteristics indicates that most of them have a favorable pharmacological and safety profile, especially newer generations of drugs. The use of antidepressants ih the treatment of IBS requires special caution and monitoring because these drugs have the most side effects, with delayed therapeutic effect. Most drugs from other therapeutic groups affect their targets in the gut directly and have minimal systemic side effects. It is important to emphasize that the drugs used in treatment of IBS have heterogeneous mechanisms of action, but share most of side effects. Most side effects are related to the GI tract, and are manifested as bloating, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The role of pharmacists is extremely important in increasing the quality of life of IBS patients. A clinical pharmacist can significantly increase therapy adherence and achieve better treatment outcomes trough education about the illness, medications, therapy, and lifestyle adjustments. A pharmacist has an important role in monitoring the patient and presenting appropriate counseling depending on the current condition and the choice of OTC medications.
sindrom iritabilnog crijeva
rome kriteriji
farmakološko liječenje
nefarmakološka terapija
Keywords (english)
irritable bowel syndrome
rome criteria
pharmacologic treatment
non-pharmacologic therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:305100
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-06 08:13:49