Abstract | U okviru ovog diplomskog rada istražen je fitokemijski sastav etanolnih i vodenih ekstrakata te eteričnih ulja
plodova i listova biljne vrste Myrtus communis L. Primjenom tankoslojne kromatografijom dokazana je
prisutnost flavonoida i antocijana u ekstraktima te terpena u eteričnim uljima. Spektrofotometrijskim
metodama je određen sadržaj ukupnih polifenola i različitih skupina polifenolnih sastavnica u etanolnim (70
% V/V) i vodenim ekstraktima plodova i listova mirte dobivenih ultrazvučnom ekstrakcijom. Dobiveni
rezultati su pokazali da je etanol (70 % V/V) u usporedbi s vodom bolje ekstrakcijsko otapalo za izolaciju
flavonoida, trjeslovina i antocijana iz biljnog materijala. U etanolnom ekstraktu listova je određen najveći
udio polifenola (18,9 %) te ukupnih trjeslovina (14,1 %) i flavonoida (3,4 %). Visoki udio ukupnih polifenola
i trjeslovina (17,8 % i 13,4 %) određen je također u vodenom ekstraktu listova. Etanolni ekstrakt plodova je
bio bogat izvor antocijana (4,8 %) i kondenziranih trjeslovina (2,9 %). Kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza
eteričnih ulja plodova i listova mirte izoliranih hidrodestilacijom provedena je u vezanom sustavu plinski
kromatograf-spektrometar masa (GC-MS). Ukupno je identificirano 34 različita spoja koji su činili 97 % ulja.
U oba eterična ulja dominirali su monoterpeni (80,6 % i 92,8 %). Najzastupljenije sastavnice eteričnog ulja
plodova su bile mirtenil-acetat (27,5 %), 1,8-cineol (11,8 %) i geranil-acetat (10,1 %) dok je u eteričnom ulju
listova najviše bilo 1,8-cineola (48,6 %) i α-pinena (12,3 %). |
Abstract (english) | In this diploma thesis, a study of the phytochemical composition of the ethanolic and water extracts, as well
as essential oils of Myrtus communis L. berries and leaves was conducted. The presence of flavonoids and
anthocyanins in the extracts and terpenes in the essential oils was detected by thin-layer chromatography. The
contents of total polyphenols and different polyphenolic components in the ethanolic (70 % V/V) and water
extracts of myrtle berries and leaves obtained by ultrasonic extraction was determined
spectrophotometrically. The obtained results showed that ethanol (70 % V/V) is a better extraction solvent
than water for the isolation of the flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins from the plant material. The highest
amount of total polyphenols (18.9 %), tannins (14.1 %) and flavonoids (3.4 %) was detected in the ethanolic
extract of myrtle leaves. High contents of total polyphenols and tannins (17.8 % and 13.4 %) were also
determined in the leaf water extract. The ethanolic extract of the berries was a rich source of anthocyanins
(4.8 %) and condensed tannins (2.9 %). A qualitative and quantitative analysis of essential oils of myrtle
berries and leaves isolated by hydrodistillation was carried out using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
(GC-MS). Thirty four different compounds were identified, which accounted for 97 % of the total oils. Both
essential oils were characterized by a high percentage of the monoterpene fraction (80.6 % and 92.8 %). The
most abundant compounds of the berries essential oil were myrtenyl acetate (27.5 %), 1,8-cineole (11.8 %)
and geranyl acetate (10.1 %), while 1,8-cineole (48.6 %) and α-pinene (12.3 %) were the main constituents
of the leaves essential oil. |