Abstract | Krajem 2019. godine u kineskom gradu Wuhan pojavio se virus SARS-CoV-2 koji izaziva bolest COVID-19. Nedugo nakon, u ožujku 2020. godine Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) proglašava pandemiju bolesti COVID-19. Virus SARS-CoV-2 prvenstveno inficira dišne puteve, te uzrokuje različite simptome, od onih blažih poput umora, dispneje, gubitka okusa i mirisa, do težih kao sistemskih infekcija i upale pluća, a može dovesti do smrti. Kroz ovaj rad napravili smo analizu troška bolesti iz perspektiva bolnica za Republiku Hrvatsku. DTS koji se veže uz COVID-19 i korištenje respiratora je A06Z, Traheostomija ili ventilacija > 95 sati. To radno intenzivna skupina koja je na dan 4.6.2022. troškovno iznosila 123.552,00 kn. To je iznos koji bolnice fakturiraju HZZO-u. Prosječno trajanje bolničkog liječenja za skupinu A06Z je 15,67 dana, dok je broj trim dana 47. Prikazali smo koja je granica troškova materijala i lijekova preko koje ukoliko iznos prede, trošak epizode liječenja neće biti u potpunosti pokriven od strane HZZO-a. Od 2019 godine smo analizirali trajanje bolničkog liječenja, troškove materijala i lijekova i ostale troškove za skupinu A06Z. Od početka pandemije pa do kraja 2021. za troškove bolesti COVID-19 od strane HZZO-a izdvojeno je,36 kn. Na mnogobrojna testiranja potrošeno je 1.393.362.745,43 kn, a na cijepljenje protiv bolesti COVID-19 je potrošeno 594.618.516,00 kn. Bolest COVID-19 odnijela je mnogo života kroz dvije godine, te je zbog iste bilo potrebno socijalno distanciranje koje je uključivalo izolacije i samoizolacije. Sve to skupa veliki je trošak za zdravstveni sustav. |
Abstract (english) | The end of 2019 was marked by the arrival of SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the disease called COVID-19. Shortly after, WHO announced the pandemic of the disease. The virus affects primarily the respiratory system, causing different symptoms ranging from mild exhaustion, dyspnea, loss of taste and smell, to life-threatening such as systematic infenction, lung infection and even death. In the following text we have analyzed the cost that COVID-19 put on the hospitals in the Republic of Croatia. COVID-19 and respirator-use related DRG is A06Z, tracheostomy or ventilation > 95 hours. That is the intense work group which, on June 6 2022, had the cost of 123.552 HRK. That is the amount that hospitals charge the HZZO. Average duration of hospital treatment for the A06Z group is 15,67 days, while the ×TRIM× is 47 days. Furthermore, we have shown what is the limit at which the HZZO will not cover further expenses fully. We made an analysis of the duration of hospital treatment, the cost of materials, medicines etc. since 2019 for the A06Z group. HZZO spent,36 HRK battling the disease from the beginning of the pandemic to the end of year 2021. Screening alone costed 1.393.362.745,43 HRK, while the vaccination carried the price of 594.618.516,00 HRK. Needless to say, COVID-19 took a much greater toll in human lives during those 2 years, in addition to social distancing and quarantining and self-quarantining. All that combined is a huge expense for the healthcare providers. |