Abstract | Veliki ili širokolisni trputac (Plantago major L., Plantaginaceae) je široko rasprostranjena biljka, koja je
poznata u narodnoj medicini već dugi niz godina. Sadrži brojne biološki aktivne spojeve, a to su:
flavonoidi, alkaloidi, terpenoidi, iridoidi, vitamini, polisaharidi, masne i fenolne kiseline. Zahvaljujući svom
kemijskom sastavu posjedu brojne biološke učinke. Primjerice, pomaže u zacjeljivanju rana, koristan je kod
dijareje, pomaže u prevenciji virusnih i bakterijskih infekcija, te snižava razinu glukoze i kolesterola u krvi.
Polifenoli djeluju protuupalno, antioksidacijski, te smanjuju rizik od nekih kroničnih bolesti, npr.
kardiovaskularnih. U ovom radu je za ekstrakciju polifenola iz P.major korištena brza i učinkovita metoda
ekstrakcije, ultrazvučna ekstrakcija. Spektrofotometrijski je određena količina ukupnih polifenola,
flavonoida i fenolnih kiselina. Koncentracija verbaskozida određena je korištenjem HPLC-a. Usporedbom
koncentracija spojeva i uvjeta pripreme ekstrakta ustanovilo se koji su parametri uvjetovali najefikasniju
ekstrakciju pojedinih polifenola. Najveći sadržaj ukupnih polifenola imao je ekstrakt koji sadrži 70 % GL, 5
% mliječne kiseline, a ekstrahirao se 30 min pri temperaturi od 70°C i snazi ultrazvuka od 144 W.
Flavonoidi su se najbolje ekstrahirali sa 70 % GL, bez mliječne kiseline, a ekstrakcija je trajala 30 min pri
70 °C i snazi ultrazvuka od 720 W. Fenolnim kiselinama je odgovarao medij s 10 % GL i 0,3 mmol HP-β-
CD, a ekstrakcija je trajala 30 min pri 20 °C i snazi ultrazvuka od 144 W. Ekstrakcija verbaskozida je
najučinkovitije provedena s 10 % GL, 5% mliječne kiseline i 0,3 mmol HP-β-CD, a ekstrakcijsko vrijeme je
bilo 10 min na 20 °C i pri snazi ultrazvuka od 144 W. Potrebno je statistički obraditi rezultate kako bi se
preciznije odredilo koliko pojedini parametri utječu na ekstrakciju svih navedenih polifenolnih sastavnica. |
Abstract (english) | Greater or broadleaf plantain (Plantago major L., Plantaginaceae) is a widespread plant, known in folk medicine
for many years. It contains numerous biologically active compounds including flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids,
iridoids, vitamins, polysaccharides, fatty and phenolic acids. Due to its chemical constituents, it has numerous
biological effects. For example, it promotes wound healing, prevents viral and bacterial infections, it is useful in
treatment of diarrhea, and lowers the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. Polyphenols act as antioxidants,
anti-inflammatory and reduce the risk of some chronic diseases, eg cardiovascular. In this work, a fast and
efficient extraction method, ultrasonic extraction, was used for the extraction of polyphenols from P. major. The
amount of total polyphenols, flavonoids and phenolic acids was determined spectrophotometrically. Verbascoside
concentration was determined using HPLC. By comparing the concentrations of the target compounds and the
conditions in which extracts were prepared, the parameters necesary for the most efficient extraction of individual
polyphenols were established. The extract with the highest content of total polyphenols was prepared using 70 %
GL, 5 % lactic acid and was extracted for 30 min at a temperature of 70 °C with an ultrasound power of 144 W.
Flavonoids were best extracted using 70 % GL, without lactic acid, and the extraction lasted 30 min at 70 °C with
an ultrasound power of 720 W. The most suitable medium for phenolic acid was with 10 % GL, 0.3 mmol HP-β-
CD, and the extraction lasted 30 min at 20 °C with an ultrasound power of 144 W. The extract with 10 % GL, 5%
lactic acid, 0.3 mmol HP-β-CD showed the highest verbascoside extraction, and the extraction time was 10 min at
20 °C and with an ultrasound power of 144 W. It is still necessary to statistically process the results in order to
precisely determine how certain parameters affect the extraction of all the mentioned polyphenol components. |