Title Klinička istraživanja djelotvornosti matične mliječi
Author Margareta Benković
Mentor Biljana Blažeković (mentor)
Committee member Maja Bival Štefan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Biljana Blažeković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdenka Kalođera (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of pharmacognosy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Matična mliječ je bijeložućkasti, viskozni žljezdani sekret pčela radilica (Apis mellifera L.) koji
primarno služi kao hrana za pčelinje ličinke i maticu. U tradicionalnoj medicini spominje se
već stoljećima te se zbog niza navodnih blagotvornih učinaka na ljudsko zdravlje danas
uvelike koristi kao funkcionalna hrana, dodatak prehrani ili kozmetički sastojak. Kao
najcijenjeniji pčelinji proizvod odlikuje se visokom nutritivnom vrijednošću i sadržajem
jedinstvenih bioaktivnih sastavnica,
... More prvenstveno 10-hidroksi-2-decenske kiseline (10-HDA)
koja se zajedno s glavnim proteinima matične mliječi (engl. major royal jelly protein, MRJP)
te rojalizinom i apisinom smatra odgovornom za različite korisne biološke i farmakološke
Ciljevi: Cilj ovog specijalističkog rada je dati sveobuhvatan pregled dosadašnjih znanstvenih
spoznaja o kliničkoj učinkovitosti matične mliječi u prevenciji i liječenju bolesti.
Materijali/pacijenti i metode: Istraživanja u okviru ovog specijalističkog rada teorijskog su
karaktera i obuhvaćaju pregled znanstvene literature o dosad provedenim kliničkim studijama
koje su uključivale primjenu matične mliječi. Pretražene su dostupne elektroničke
bibliografske baze podataka, kao što su PubMed (Medline), Embase, Current Contents
Connect, Cochrane Library i Google Scholar te baze registriranih kliničkih studija,
korištenjem ključnih riječi vezanih za temu rada. Prikupljeni relevantni znanstveni radovi
detaljno su proučeni s obzirom na definirani znanstveni problem, protokol istraživanja,
analizu rezultata i izvedene zaključke te su sistematično prikazani i kritički procijenjeni.
Rezultati: Ustanovljeno je postojanje većeg broja kliničkih studija među kojim su najbrojnije
randomizirane placebom kontrolirane studije koje su uključivale zdrave pojedince ili pacijente
s različitim zdravstvenim tegobama. Protutumorsko djelovanje, suzbijanje nuspojava
antitumorske terapije, pozitivan učinak kod osoba s dijabetesom, ali i pozitivni učinci na
metabolički sindrom, ženske tegobe, autoimune bolesti, benignu hiperplaziju prostate, neki
su od dokazanih kliničkih učinaka suplementacije matičnom mliječi.
Zaključak: Rezultati dosadašnjih nekliničkih i kliničkih studija ukazuju na značajan potencijal
primjene matične mliječi u prevenciji i terapiji niza zdravstvenih tegoba. Međutim,
jednoznačnih kliničkih dokaza o učinkovitosti još nema dovoljno, a razlog tome su
malobrojnost kliničkih ispitivanja, mali broj ispitanika i/ili nehomogenost dobivenih rezultata. S
obzirom na rastući globalni trend primjene prirodnih proizvoda u prevenciji i liječenju bolesti,
provedeni sustavni pregled dosadašnjih znanstvenih spoznaja o učinkovitosti matične mliječi
doprinosi usvajanju novih znanja i podizanju stručnih kompetencija nutricionista, farmaceuta,
liječnika i drugih zdravstvenih djelatnika u svrhu boljeg savjetovanja pacijenata te također
može biti koristan za usmjeravanje budućih kliničkih istraživanja. Less
Abstract (english) Royal jelly is a whitish-yellow, viscous glandular secretion of worker bees (Apis mellifera L.)
that primarily serves as food for honeybee larvae and queen bees. It has been well known in
traditional medicine for centuries, so owing to a number of alleged beneficial effects on
human health, it is today widely used as a functional food, dietary supplement or cosmetic
ingredient. Being the most valuable bee product, it is characterized by high nutritional value
and content of unique
... More bioactive components, primarily 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA),
which together with the major royal jelly proteins (MRJP), royalisin and apisin are considered
to be responsible for various beneficial biological and pharmacological effects.
Objectives: The aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current
scientific knowledge on the clinical effectiveness of royal jelly in the prevention and treatment
of diseases.
Material/Patients and Methods: The research within this work is of a theoretical nature and
includes a review of the scientific literature on clinical studies which included the use of royal
jelly. Available electronic bibliographic databases such as PubMed (Medline), Embase,
Current Contents Connect, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar, as well as databases of
registered clinical studies were searched using keywords related to the topic of the thesis.
The collected relevant scientific papers were studied in detail with regard to the defined
scientific problem, research protocol, analysis of results and derived conclusions, and are
systematically presented and critically evaluated.
Results: The existence of a large number of clinical studies was established, among which
the most numerous were randomized, placebo-controlled studies that included healthy
individuals or patients with various health conditions. Antitumor activity, suppression of side
effects of antitumor therapy, positive effect in patients with diabetes, metabolic syndrome,
and autoimmune diseases, but also positive effects on women health and benign prostatic
hyperplasia are some of the proven clinical effects of royal jelly supplementation.
Conclusion: The results of recent non-clinical and clinical studies indicate the significant
potential of using royal jelly in the prevention and therapy of a number of health problems.
However, there is still not enough unambiguous clinical evidence of effectiveness, and the
reason for this is the small number of clinical trials, the small number of participants and/or
the inhomogeneity of the results obtained. Taking into account the global growing trend of
using natural products in disease prevention and treatment, a systematic review of current
scientific knowledge on the effectiveness of royal jelly contributes to the adoption of new
knowledge and the raising of the professional competences of nutritionists, pharmacists,
doctors as well as other health professionals for the purpose of better patient counseling, and
also may be useful for direction of further clinical investigations. Less
matična mliječ
prevencija bolesti
Keywords (english)
royal jelly
disease prevention
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:864549
Study programme Title: Phytopharmacy with dietotherapy - specialistic study - university study Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni specijalist fitofarmacije s dijetoterapijom (sveučilišni specijalist fitofarmacije s dijetoterapijom)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-05-17 08:57:30