Abstract | Virusne bolesti kože su česta pojava, osobito među djecom. U najčešća virusna oboljenja kože ubrajaju se veruccae vulgares, molluscum contagiosum, herpes simplex, herpes zoster. Herpesvirusi uzrokuju doživotne infekcije u domaćinu. Nakon primarne infekcije, herpesvirus prelazi u latentni oblik iz kojeg se aktivira nakon različitih podražaja. Herpesvirusi su rasprostranjeni po cijelom svijetu, a izvor zaraze je čovjek. Ciljno mjesto antiviralnih lijekova su virusni enzimi. Uglavnom se u liječenju koriste analozi nukleotida. Određeni prirodni preparati, poput vitamina C i E te matičnjaka, mogu biti korisni u liječenju lezija uzrokovanih herpes simplex virusom. Varicella zoster virus uzrokuje vodene kozice kao primarnu infekciju i herpes zoster koji je posljedica reaktivacije varicella zoster virusa. Varicella je vrlo zarazna, ali lakša bolest, češća kod djece. U zdrave djece obično prolazi spontano i bez komplikacija. Odrasle osobe imaju veći rizik od razvitka komplikacija. Terapija je simptomatska. Kod herpes zoster-a dolazi do upalne reakcije stražnjih korijena i ganglija moždinskih živaca. Postherpetične neuralgije mogu trajati duži vremenski period. Antiviralna terapija je učinkovita ako se uzme unutar tri dana od pojave osipa, no antiviralnom terapijom se ne smanjuje rizik od postherpetične neuralgije. Molluscum contagiosum virus spada u porodicu Poxviridae. Uzorkuje benigne infekcije koje se prenose kontaktom, a širi se autoinokulacijom. Moluske su raširene po cijelom svijetu, a češće se javljaju kod djece. Spontano prolaze same od sebe, a terapija se provodi kako bi se spriječilo daljnje širenje. Postoji više od 100 različitih genotipova humanog papilomavirusa. Uzrokuje nastajanje bradavica i različitih tumora pločastog epitela i sluznica. Bradavice se mogu javiti u bilo kojoj životnoj dobi, ali od njih pate najčešće djeca i adolescenti. Nestaju spontanu, unutar dvije godine, ovisno o imunološkom statusu bolesnika. Inficirani epitel se uništava kemijskim ili fizičkim putem, a idealna terapija ne smije uzrokovati ožiljke. Nema specifične antiviralne terapije koja uništava HPV. |
Abstract (english) | Viral skin infections (diseases) are common appearance, particularly among the children. Most frequently reported are: veruccae vulgares, molluscum contagiosum, herpes simplex, herpes zoster. Herpes viruses cause lifelong infection in the host. After primary infection, herpes virus enters the latent form which is activated after various stimuli. Herpes viruses are widely spread all over the world, and the source of infection is human. Target location of antiviral medicines are viral enzymes. Nucleotide analogs are commonly used in treatment. Certain natural products such as vitamins C and E and balm mint may be useful in the treatment of lesions caused by herpes simplex virus. Varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox as a primary infection and herpes zoster, which is the result of reactivation of the varicella zoster virus. Varicella is highly contagious but lighter disease, more common in children. In healthy children usually resolves spontaneously and without complications, while adults have a higher risk of developing complications. Treatment is symptomatic. Herpes zoster causes inflammatory reactions of the rear root and ganglia of the spinal nerves. Post-herpetic neuralgia can last for a longer period of time. Antiviral therapy is effective if taken within three days after the rash appears, but antiviral therapy does not reduce the risk of post-herpetic neuralgia. Molluscum contagiosum virus belongs to the family of Poxviridae. It causes benign infection which is transmitted by contact and expanded by autoinoculation. Molluscum is spread all over the world and is more common in children. Spontaneously is healing by itself, but treatment is carried out to prevent further spread. There are more than hundred different genotypes of human papillomavirus. HPV causes the formation of warts and various tumors of the squamous epithelium and mucosa. Warts usually affect children and adolescents, although they can occur at any age. They disappear spontaneously within two years, depending on the immune status of patients. The infected epithelium is destroyed by chemical and physical means, and ideal treatment should not cause scarring. There is no specific antiviral therapy that destroys HPV. |