Title Biljne sastavnice pripravaka za regulaciju tjelesne težine
Author Ana Udina Hudak
Mentor Marijana Zovko Končić (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Zovko Končić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanda Vladimir-Knežević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Vedrina-Dragojević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of pharmacognosy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Cilj istraživanja
Na tržištu se pojavljuje sve više biljnih pripravaka koji se koriste kao pomoć pri smanjenju tjelesne
težine. Cilj rada je detaljan pregled i sistematizacija kliničkih studija u kojima je ispitan utjecaj biljnih
pripravaka na tjelesnu težinu kako bi se stekao uvid u nedavna znanstvena saznanja vezana za njihovu
učinkovitost i sigurnost primjene.
Materijal / Ispitanici i metode
Za potrebe pisanja specijalističkog rada pretražena je elektronička baza podataka „PubMed“.
... More Pretragom
su obuhvaćene kliničke studije koje su ispitivale biljne pripravke za mršavljenje. Odabrani su radovi čiji
su predmet ispitivanja bili pripravci od biljnih vrsta Hoodia parviflora, H. gordonii, Garcinia cambogia, G.
mangostana, Camellia sinensis, biljke roda Citrus sp., biljna vrsta Phaseolus vulgaris, Capsicum
annuum te mješavine svih navedenih, ali i drugih, koje nisu bile ispitivane u zasebnim kliničkim
ispitivanjima, već samo kao dio specifične mješavine.
Obrađena je ukupno 21 studija čija je glavna ispitivana sastavnica bio zeleni čaj, od kojih je 7 studija
ispitivalo zeleni čaj u obliku osušenih listića, 9 ekstrakt zelenog čaja, a 5 njegovu aktivnu sastavnicu
EGCG. Biljke roda Garcinia sp. čija je glavna sastavnica hidroksilimunska kiselina (HCA) ispitivane su u
3 studije. Biljni pripravci na bazi citrusa ispitivani su u 16 studija. One su se međusobno dosta
razlikovale s obzirom na konkretni oblik ispitivanog pripravka. Tako su ispitivani grejp, slatka naranča,
gorka naranča te komercijalno dostupni citrusni polifenolni pripravak. Uz navedene, ispitivani su i
pripravci na bazi ekstrakta graha (4 studije), te paprike i/ili njene aktivne sastavnice (2 studije). U 10
studija uvrštenih u ovaj rad ispitivane su mješavine različitih biljnih vrsta, biljnih ekstrakata i njihovih
aktivnih sastavnica.
Biljni pripravci za mršavljenje pokazali su značajno djelovanje, u čemu prednjače zeleni čaj i biljni
pripravci na bazi citrusa, međutim potrebne su dodatne dobro dizajnirane studije koje određuju njihovu
efikasnost, sigurnost i primjenu. Less
Abstract (english) Objectives
There are more and more herbal preparations appearing on the market which are used as an aid for
body weight loss. The aim of this paper is to provide a detailed overview and systematization of clinical
studies that examined the impact of herbal products on body weight in order to receive insight into
recent scientific findings about their effectiveness and safety applications.
Material / Patients and Methods
For the purposes of this thesis, relevant electronic database
... More „PubMed“ was searched. The search
included clinical studies investigating the herbal preparations for weight loss. Selected literature has
been conected to the papers that have been investigating preparations made of plant species Hoodia
parviflora, H. Gordonii, Garcinia cambogia, G. mangostana, Camellia sinensis, Citrus species, and
Phaseolus vulgaris, Capsicum annuum, as well as their mixtures and mixtures of other plant species for
which seperate studies have not been made.
A total of 56 clinical studies was included int his work. Thereof 21 clinical trial investigated green tea. Of
those, 7 studies examined green tea in the form of dried leaves, 9 studies that examined green tea
extract, and 5 studies that investigated its active component EGCG. Garcinia sp. speices whose active
component is hydroxycitric acid (HCA) were examined in 3 studies in which the above mentioned active
compound was investigated. Citrus herbal preparations were examined in 16 studies which were very
different in terms of the investigated plant species or preparation. In those studies, grapefruit, sweet
orange, bitter orange, polyphenolic citrus preparation and mixtures of the individual plant species with
other substances such as vitamins, minerals and other were examined. Bean extracts were also
included (4 studies found), as well as pepper and / or its active components (in 2 studies) and 10
studies that investigated mixtures of various plant species, plant extracts and their active components.
Herbal remedies for weight loss, especialy those containing green tea and citrus species showed a
significant effect, however, additional well-designed studies are required to determine their effectiveness,
safety and application. Less
biljni pripravci
tjelesna težina
Keywords (english)
herbal preparations
weight loss
body weight
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:065259
Study programme Title: Phytopharmacy with dietotherapy Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/sveučilišna magistra fitofarmacije s dijetoterapijom (sveučilišni magistar/sveučilišna magistra fitofarmacije s dijetoterapijom)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-05-14 12:13:50