Title Temperaturna obilježja i toplinsko opterećenje Dubrovnika
Title (english) Temperature characteristics and heat load of Dubrovnik
Author Marijana Boras
Mentor Ivana Herceg Bulić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Herceg Bulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvjezdana Bencetić Klaić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Stipčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Telišman Prtenjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Dasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geophysics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-10-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Geophysics Meteorology and Climatology
Abstract Klimatske promjene predstavljaju sve veći problem u suvremenom svijetu, a njihov utjecaj na urbane sredine iznimno je važan s mnogih aspekata (npr. ekološkog, socijalnog, ekonomskog, zdravstvenog). Više od polovice svjetske populacije živi u gradovima koji doprinose emisiji stakleničkih plinova, a time i klimatskim promjenama. S druge strane, stanovništvo gradova je pod utjecajem klimatskih uvjeta koji čine urbanu klimu. Gradovi pokazuju specifične meteorološke i klimatološke karakteristike
... More zbog čega se sve više proučava urbana klima. U ovom radu napravljena je analiza temperaturnih obilježja i toplinskog opterećenja grada Dubrovnika na temelju izmjerenih podataka o temperaturi u razdoblju 1961.-2019. na meteorološkoj postaji Dubrovnik te na temelju satelitskih snimaka satelita LANDSAT5 i analize klimatskih indeksa dobivenih simulacijama modela MUKLIMO_3. U radu su proučavani trendovi srednjih dnevnih, maksimalnih dnevnih, minimalnih dnevnih i sezonskih temperatura pomoću dvije nezavisne metode, Mann-Kendall testa i metode linearne regresije. Rezultati pokazuju uzlazan trend za sve promatrane temperature. Istim metodama ispitani su i trendovi klimatskih indeksa (studeni dani, ljetni dani, tropske noći) koji su u skladu s pozitivnim temperaturnim trendom i također ukazuju na povećanje toplinskog opterećenja grada Dubrovnika u promatranom razdoblju. Prema Köppenovoj klasifikaciji klime pokazano je da u 30-godišnjim razdobljima za godine 1961.-1990. nije došlo do promjene tipa klime u Dubrovniku te da prevladava sredozemna klima sa suhim i vrućim ljetom (Csa). Rezultati satelitskih snimaka prosječnih ljetnih površinskih temperatura u razdoblju 2001.-2010. pokazuju da se urbanizirane površine više zagrijavaju od prirodnih površina s vegetacijom. Rezultati klimatskih indeksa (ljetni i vrući dani, tople i ljetne večeri, tople i tropske noći) dobiveni simulacijama modela MUKLIMO_3 također pokazuju da se urbanizirane površine više zagrijavaju od prirodnih površina te da to zagrijavanje ovisi o gustoći izgrađenosti. Less
Abstract (english) In modern world problem of climate change is raising. More than half of world's population is living in cities, which contribute green house gass emission causing global climate changes. Urban areas show particulary meteorological and climatological characteristics, that's why urban climate is getting more considered. In this work temperature characteristics and heat load of Dubrovnik is analyzed by using observed temperature data from local station in Dubrovnik in period 1961.-2019.,
... More satellite data from LANDSAT5 satellite were also used for analysis and analysis of climate indices obtained from simulations of MUKLIMO_3 model. Trends of mean daily, maximum daily, minimum daily and seasonal temperatures were analyzed using two independent methods, Mann-Kendall test and method of linear regression. Results are showing positive trends for all analyzed temperatures. Using same methods, trends of climate indices (frost days, summer days and tropical nights) were also analyzed and have showed raise of temperature and heat load in the city of Dubrovnik in the observed period. Analysis of Köppen climate clasification showed that in Dubrovnik there were no changes of climate type in 30-year periods for years in 1961.-1990., climate type of Dubrovnik is hot-summer Mediterranean climate. Results of satellite data of mean summer land surface temperatures in period 2001.-2010. showed that urban surfaces are heated more than natural surfaces with vegetation. Results of climate indices (summer and hot days, warm and summer evenings, warm and tropical nights) obtained by simulations of MUKLIMO_3 model also showed that urban surfaces are heated more than natural surfaces with vegetation and less dense built areas. Less
toplinsko opterećenje
urbana klima
metoda linearne regresije
MannKendall test
Köppenova klasifikacija klime
klimatski indeksi
model MUKLIMO_3
satelit LANDSAT5
Keywords (english)
heat load
urban climate
linear regression method
Mann-Kendall test
Köppen climate clasification
climate indices
MUKLIMO_3 model
satellite LANDSAT5
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:188652
Study programme Title: Graduate university study pf Physics - Geophysics; specializations in: Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, Meteorology and Physical Oceanography Course: Meteorology and Physical Oceanography Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizike – geofizike (magistar/magistra fizike – geofizike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-11-05 09:40:51