Title Strujno-naponska karakterizacija solarnih ćelija
Title (english) Current-voltage characterization of solar cells
Author Petar Čus
Mentor Krunoslav Juraić (mentor)
Mentor Damjan Pelc (komentor)
Committee member Katarina Jeličić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihael Srđan Grbić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damjan Pelc (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Krunoslav Juraić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedran Đerek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Physics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Abstract Među obnovljivim izvorima energije posljednjih godina sve veću popularnost imaju solarne ćelije (fotovoltaici) koji izravno pretvaraju sunčevu energiju u električnu energiju. Do sada su znanstvena istraživanja i razvoj bili uglavnom usmjereni prema povećanju efikasnosti pretvorbe sunčeve energije, poboljšanju stabilnosti te smanjenju troškova proizvodnje solarnih ćelija. Pored toga u posljednje vrijeme solarni moduli se sve više ugrađuju u fasade zgrada, te vrlo bitan postaje i estetski dojam
... More čak i uz određeno smanjenje efikasnosti. To se može postići npr. bojanjem vanjskih dijelova solarnog modula (staklo, etilen-vinyl acetat folija), dizajnom sa skrivenim električnim kontaktima i sl. U tu svrhu u ovom radu je ispitan utjecaj modifikacije etilen-vinyl acetat (EVA) folije organskim bojama na osnovne parametre solarne ćelije polikristalnog silicija. Uzorcima EVA folije modificiranim s dvije različite organske boje: crvenom i žutom su enkapsulirane solarne ćelije veličine 2x2 cm. Korištenjem solarnog simulatora izmjerene su I-V karakteristike i spektralni odziv solarnih ćelija s modificiranom EVA folijom. Kvantitativna analiza eksperimentalno dobivenih rezultata provedena je prilagodbom teorijskom modelu s jednom diodom. Dobiveni rezultati za solarne ćelije s modificiranom EVA folijom uspoređeni su sa solarnom ćelijom enkapsuliranom s ne modificiranom EVA folijom. Rezultati su pokazali da je korištenjem EVA folije modificirane organskim bojama postignut estetski dojam, ali uz 10-15% nižu efikasnost pretvorbe sunčeve energije. To je posljedica veće apsorpcije svjetla uzrokovane prisustvom organske boje u EVA foliji. Less
Abstract (english) Among renewable energy sources, solar cells (photovoltaics), which directly convert solar energy into electricity, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Until now, scientific research and development has been mainly focused on increasing the efficiency of solar energy conversion, improving stability and reducing the cost of solar cell production. In addition, recently solar modules are increasingly being installed in the facades of buildings, and the aesthetic impression is
... More becoming very important, even with a certain reduction in efficiency. This can be achieved, for example, by painting the outer parts of the solar module (glass, Ethylene-vinyl acetate foil), design with hidden electrical contacts, etc. For this purpose, here we investigate the influence of the modification of Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) foil with organic dyes on the basic parameters of a polycrystalline silicon solar cell. Samples of EVA foil modified with two different organic colors - red and yellow – were encapsulated solar cells measuring 2x2 cm. Using a solar simulator, the I-V characteristics and spectral response of solar cells with a modified EVA foil were measured. Quantitative analysis of the experimentally obtained results was performed by adaptation to a single-diode theoretical model. The obtained results for for solar cells with modified EVA foil were compared with a solar cell encapsulated with non-modified EVA foil. The results showed that the use of EVA foil modified with organic dyes achieved an aesthetic impression, but with 10-15% lower efficiency of solar energy conversion. This is due to the higher light absorption caused by the presence of organic dye in the EVA foil. Less
solarna ćelija
organske boje
EVA folija
I-V karakteristika
Keywords (english)
solar cell
organic dyes
EVA foil
I-V characteristics
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:424495
Study programme Title: Physics and Computer Science; specializations in: Education Course: Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije fizike i informatike (magistar/magistra edukacije fizike i informatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-11-11 08:41:34