Title Životne strategije morskih dijatomeja u uvjetima ograničenoga fosfora
Title (english) Marine diatom life strategies under phosphorus limited conditions
Author Nataša Kužat
Mentor Martin Pfannkuchen (mentor)
Committee member Zrinka Ljubešić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Marić Pfannkuchen (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ingrid Ivančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-10-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Marine Science
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 502/504 - Environmental science. Conservation of natural resources. Threats to the environment and protection against them
Abstract Sjeverni Jadran je zatvoren i plitki ekosustav karakteriziran brojnim prostornim i vremenskim ekološkim gradijentima poput temperature, saliniteta i hranjivih soli. Ovakvi uvjeti nam omogućuju praćenje prilagodbi fitoplanktonskih organizama, posebno dijatomeja koje uvelike dominiraju fitoplanktonskom zajednicom istraživanog područja. Rast fitoplanktona, a samim tim i dijatomeja u sjevernom Jadranu kontroliran je dostupnom svjetlošću, temperaturom i hranjivim solima (uglavnom fosforom), čija
... More dostupnost ovisi o dotoku rijeke Po. Kako bi razumjeli strategije koje dijatomeje koriste pri nadmetanju za resurse, u ovom doktoratu provedeno je osam eksperimenata in vitro na devet vrsta dijatomeja (Leptocylindrus aporus, Leptocylindrus hargravesii, Chaetoceros decipiens, Chaetoceros peruvianus, Skeletonema grevillei, Thalassionema frauenfeldii, Thalassionema cf. nitzschioides, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima i Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha). Eksperimentalna mjerenja obuhvatila su analize promjene brzine rasta pojedine vrste pri različitim koncentracijama fosfora, brzine unosa fosfata, podatke o aktivnosti, lokalizaciji i načinima aktivacije enzima alkalne fosfataze (AP) te morfološke prilagodbe pojedine vrste na stres fosforom. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su karakterizirati prilagodbe odabranih vrsta dijatomeja sjevernog Jadrana na prostorno-vremenske promjene koncentracija fosfora u ekosustavu, opisati pojedine strategije vrsta u uvjetima limitacije fosforom te korištenje tih strategija u nadmetanju za resurse unutar prirodnih fitoplanktonskih zajednica. Podaci dobiveni eksperimentalnim mjerenjima uspoređeni su sa dugoročnim promjenama u cilju boljeg razumijevanja dinamike i ekologije određene vrste te njene prilagodbe na klimatske promjene u Sjevernom Jadranu. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju veliku raznolikost ekoloških niša kod morskih dijatomeja što u konačnici objašnjava veliku bioraznolikost ovog područja. Less
Abstract (english) The northern Adriatic is a highly structured and shallow ecosystem characterized by numerous spatial and temporal ecological gradients such as temperature, salinity and nutrient salts. Such conditions allow us to monitor the adaptations of phytoplankton organisms, especially diatoms, which largely dominate the phytoplankton community of the study area. The growth of phytoplankton, and thus diatoms in the northern Adriatic is controlled by available light, temperature, and nutrient
... More availability (mainly phosphorus), which depends on the Po River. In order to understand the strategies that diatoms use when compeeting for resources, in this doctoral thesis, eight in vitro experiments were performed on nine different diatom species (Leptocylindrus aporus, Leptocylindrus hargravesii, Chaetoceros decipiens, Chaetoceros peruvianus, Skeletonema grevillei, Thalassionema frauenfeldii, Thalassionema cf. nitzschioides, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima and Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha). Experimental measurements included analyzes of changes in the growth rate of each species at different orthophosphate concentrations, phosphate uptake rate, data on activity, localization and activation of alkaline phosphatase (AP) enzymes, and morphological adaptations of each species to phosphorus stress. The objectives of this study are to characterize the adaptations of selected diatom species from the northern Adriatic to spatio-temporal changes in phosphorus concentrations in the ecosystem, to describe individual species strategies in phosphorus limitation conditions and use these strategies to compete for resources within natural phytoplankton communities. The data obtained by experimental measurements were compared with long-term changes in order to better understand the dynamics and ecology of a particular species and its adaptation to climate change in the North Adriatic. The obtained results show a great diversity of ecological niches in marine diatoms, which ultimately explains the great biodiversity of this area. Less
alkalna fosfataza
dinamika rasta
Michaelis-menten kinetika
Keywords (english)
alkaline phosphatase
growth dynamics
Michaelis-menten kinetics
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:629267
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Interdisciplinary doctoral study in Oceanology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti (znanost o moru) (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti (znanost o moru))
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-05 11:41:31