Abstract | Razumijevanje metaboličkih procesa i fizioloških karakteristika organskih sustava ključne su
polazne točke za uspješnu provedbu trenažnog procesa i poboljšanje natjecateljske izvedbe.
Kardiovaskularni sustav je odgovoran za cirkulaciju i dovod kisika aktivnim mišićnim tkivima,
a prilagođava se kroz regulaciju veličine srca, udarnog volumena, frekvencije rada srca,
protoka krvi i srčanog minutnog volumena. Respiratorni sustav, u čijem se središtu nalaze
pluća, prolazi kroz promjene u difuzijskom kapacitetu u organizmu, stimulaciji disanja te u
maksimalnom primitku kiskia tokom mišićnog rada. Metabolički procesi prilikom vježbanja
su kompleksni, te na svaki pojedino možemo djelovati kroz trenažni process. Razlikujemo tri
osnovna metabolička puta kojima se organizam opskrbljuje ATP-om, a to su sustav
fosfokreatin-kreatin, sustav glikogen-mliječna kiselina te aerobni sustav. Termoregulacija
organizma se odvija preko hipotalamusa koji služi kao termostat organizma, a tijelo oslobađa
toplinu procesima radijacije, konvekcije, kondukcije i evaporacije. U svrhu poboljšanja
natjecateljskih rezultata, u sportu se počeo prakticirati trening u raznim okolišnim uvjetima kao
što su trening na toplom i hladnom, na visini, te na velikim dubinama. Prilikom promjene
okolišnih uvjeta, tijelo prolazi kroz mnoštvo fizioloških procesa koji dovode do prilagodbe na
iste. |
Abstract (english) | Understanding the metabolic processes and physiological characteristics of organic
systems are the key starting points for the successfull implementation of the training process
and the improvement of competitive performance. The cardiovascular system is responsible
for circulation and oxygen supply to active muscle tissues, and it adapts through the regulation
of heart size, stroke volume, heart frequency, blood flow and heart minute volume. The
respiratory system has lungs in its center, and it goes through changes in the diffusion capacity
in the organism, breathing stimulation and in the maximum receipt of oxygen during the
muscular work. Metabolic processes during training are complex, and we can act on each one
through the training process. Three basic metabolic routes for supplying the organism with
ATP can be outlined, namely the phosphocreatine-creatine system, the glycogen-lactic acid
system and the aerobic system. The thermoregulation of an organism is conducted through
hypothalamus, which serves as organism’s thermostat, while the body releases heat through
the processes of radiation, convection, conduction and evaporation. In order to improve
competitive results, training in different environmental condictiones was introduced, such as
training in the warm and cold, at altitude and at great depths. During the change of
environmental conditions, the body goes through numerous physiological processes, which
leads to adaptation. |