Title Raznolikost, ekologija i vegetacija mahovina u hrvatskim kopnenim vodama
Title (english) Diversity, ecology and vegetation of bryophytes in the freshwaters of Croatia
Author Anja Rimac
Mentor Antun Alegro (mentor)
Committee member Renata Matoničkin Kepčija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miloš Ilić https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7613-7762 (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Hruševar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandro Bogdanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Biology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-05-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 57 - Biological sciences. Physical anthropology. Biodiversity
Abstract Tijekom istraživanja akvatičkih i semiakvatičkih mahovina na 786 lokaliteta na tekućicama i
stajaćicama zabilježene su ukupno 83 vrste mahovina (68 pravih mahovina i 15 jeternjarki), što
predstavlja 12 % dosad poznate raznolikosti mahovina u Hrvatskoj. Krške rijeke Dinaridske
ekoregije podržavale su veću raznolikost u odnosu na rijeke Panonske ekoregije, na kojim su
mahovine najvećim dijelom bile ograničene na obalna staništa, što je bilo podržano i razlikama
u spektru životnih oblika i strategija između ekoregija. Većina mahovina preferirala je bistre,
neutralne do bazične krške vodotoke s niskom razinom hranjivih tvari i organske tvari, odnosno
neizmijenjene vodotoke s visokim udjelom prirodnog zemljišta u slivnom području. Među
njima su se izdvojile vrste s vrlo uskim ekološkim nišama, koje se mogu smatrati dobrim i
pouzdanim bioindikatorima. Međutim, najzastupljenije i široko rasprostranjene vrste imale su
vrlo široke ekološke niše, dok su svega dvije, Riccia fluitans i Leptodyctium riparium
preferirale hipereutrofne vodotoke s visokim udjelom intenzivne poljoprivrede u slivnom
području. U prirodnim tekućicama Hrvatske, mahovine su bila dominantna komponenta
vegetacije na svega 14,42 % istraživanih lokaliteta, prilikom čega je centar rasprostranjenosti
bila Dinaridska ekoregija, tj. njeni hladni, brzi krški vodotoci s većim i stabilnijim supstratom.
Ustanovljeno je ukupno pet mahovinskih zajednica, od čega su tri najzastupljenije bile
karakteristične za krške rijeke Dinaridske ekoregije, a dvije za male Panonske tekućice. One su
se razlikovale po bogatstvu i sastavu vrsta, udjelu mahovina u sastavu vrsta te njihovom
afinitetu prema vodi te prema udjelu pojedinih životnih oblika. Ekološki su se ove zajednice
odvojile duž gradijenata kemije vode (alkalitet i kakvoća vode), bioklimatskih parametara
povezanih s dostupnosti vode i njenom raspodjelom tijekom godine te veličine slivnog
Abstract (english) During the research of aquatic and semi-aquatic mosses, which included 786 sites on
watercourses and standing waters, 83 bryophyte species (68 mosses and 15 liverworts) were
recorded. This amounted to 12% of the so-far-known bryophyte diversity in Croatia. The karstic
rivers of the Dinaric Ecoregion supported greater diversity compared to those of the Pannonian
Ecoregion, where bryophytes were mostly restricted to river margins, which was supported by
differences in the life-form and life strategy spectra between the ecoregions. Most species
preferred clear, neutral to basic karstic watercourses with low levels of nutrients and organic
matter, i.e. pristine watercourses with a high proportion of natural land in the catchment area.
Among them, species with very narrow ecological niches were singled out and recognised as
good and reliable bioindicators. However, the most abundant and widespread species had very
wide ecological niches, while only two, Riccia fluitans and Leptodyctium riparium, preferred
hypereutrophic watercourses with a high proportion of intensive agriculture in the catchment
area. In natural watercourses, mosses were the dominant component of the vegetation in only
14.42% of the investigated localities, with the Dinaric Ecoregion, i.e. its cold, fast karst
watercourses with larger and more stable substrates, representing the distribution and diversity
centre of these bryophyte dominated communities. Five communities were identified, with
three most represented being characteristics for the karstic watercourses of the Dinaric
Ecoregion, and two for the small streams of the Pannonian Ecoregion. They differed in species
richness and composition, the share of bryophytes and their affinity for water as well as in lifeform spectra. Furthermore, these communities were segregated along gradients of water
chemistry (alkalinity and water quality), bioclimatic parameters related to water availability and
its yearly distribution, as well as the size of the catchment area.
latkovodna staništa
ekološki odgovori
kakvoća vode
bioklimatske značajke
Keywords (english)
freshwater habitats
ecological responses
water quality
bioclimatic variables
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:266313
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Biology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje biologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje biologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-05-26 11:01:55