Abstract | Cilj ovoga rada bio je opisivanje daleke i relativno bliske povijesti Općine Nuštar, njezinog kulturno-povijesnog nasljedstva, te izlaganje mogućih potencijala rasta i razvoja. Općinu se može opisati kao područje s povoljnim geografskim i geoprometnim položajem, koje je još od najranije povijesti bilo veoma značajno u osnivanju mnogih, nama danas važnih kultura. Krajem 20. stoljeća, nakon Domovinskog rata, Općina postupno postaje prostor sa sve lošijom demografskom, ali i ekonomskom slikom, koja narušava i skriva pravi potencijal mogućeg razvoja. Iznimnim bogatstvom kulturno-povijesnog nasljedstva, Općina ima mogućnosti razviti i oživiti duboko skrivenu i zaboravljenu baštinu. Ruralni turizam u naseljima, svojim razvojem, kroz obnovu baštine, te revitalizaciju ruralnog prostora Nuštra i njegovog vrlo značajnog i zaštićenog dvorskog kompleksa, može imati veliki utjecaj na ukupni geografski razvoj cijele Općine, ali i šire. Mnogi su taj potencijal prepoznali, međutim, tek je 2019. napisan novi projekt s ciljem revitalizacije i obnove dvorca Khuen-Belassy, te ostalih arheoloških pronalazaka unutar cijele Općine. |
Abstract (english) | The main goal of this research was to describe the distant and relatively recent history of Nuštar municipality, its cultural and historical heritage, and presentation of possible grownth and development potentials. The municipality can be described as an area with a favorable geographical and geotraffic position, which from the earliest history was very important in foundation od many cultures that are important to us today. At the end of the 20th century, after the Domovinski War, the municipality gradually became an area with an increasingly bad demographic and economic picture, which is violating and hiding the true potential of possible development. With its exceptional wealth of cultural and historical heritage, the municipality has the opportunity to develop and revive a deeply hidden and forgotten heritage. Rural tourism in the settlements, through its development, restoration of heritage and the revitalization of the tutal area od Nuštar and its very important and protected palace complex, can have a great impact on the overall geographical development of the entire municipality, and beyond. Many had recognized this potential, however, only in 2019 was written a new project, with the aim of revitalizing and restoring the Khuen-Belassy castle and other archaeological finds within the entire municipality. |