Title Primjena metode uparivanja predložaka na seriji potresa kod Berkovića (BiH)
Title (english) Application of template matching to earthquake series in Berkovići (BiH)
Author Ivana Zonjić
Mentor Tena Belinić Topić (mentor)
Committee member Tena Belinić Topić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Stipčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Večenaj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Dasović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branko Grisogono (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geophysics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-12-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Geophysics Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior
Abstract Dana 22. travnja 2022. godine kod Berkovića u južnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine dogodio se potres lokalne magnitude ML = 6.0 s procijenjenim maksimalnim intenzitetom I0 = VII °EMS. Serija potresa kod Berkovića uslijedila je nekoliko mjeseci nakon postavljanja seizmološke mreže u širem području koja se naknadno i proširila. Podaci prikupljeni na tim postajama omogućuju kvalitetniju analizu serije potresa te aktiviranog rasjednog sustava.
U ovom radu korištena je metoda uparivanja predložaka za
... More proširenje kataloga potresa na temelju automatskih detekcija faza i događaja, a ideja metode je upotrijebiti poznate potrese kao predloške za traženje sličnih događaja na seizmogramima. Analiza obuhvaća razdoblje od tri mjeseca nakon početnog potresa i područje radijusa od 25 km od epicentra glavnog potresa serije kod Berkovića, ukupno 5 331 potres, a kao predlošci se koriste potresi magnituda M ≥ 2.0. Rezultat procesa je popis detekcija s očitanim fazama za čije se lociranje koristio program koji nelinearnim metodama određuje hipocentar potresa.
Primjena metode uparivanja predložaka rezultira s 166 295 detekcija, 31 put više u odnosu na početni katalog. Lokacije se ne mogu dobiti za sve detekcije zbog manjka očitanih faza, ali dobivene za četiri puta više događaja nego u početnom katalogu (24 096). Međutim, katalog obuhvaća četiri puta manje događaja nego u popisu detekcija. Lokacije odgovaraju onima u početnom katalogu iako je izražen manji rasap oko epicentra u novom katalogu. Dubine žarišta potresa uglavnom su između 10 i 20 kilometara. Algoritam pokazuje najveću efikasnost u prvom mjesecu nakon potresa, no i u ostatku vremenskog razdoblja rezultira većim brojem potresa nego pri ručnom bilježenju što je jedna od prednosti ovakve automatizirane metode uz njenu brzinu obrade velike količine podataka. U daljnjim istraživanjima potrebno je izračunati magnitude potresa te ispitati različite verzije parametara u korištenoj metodi, odnosno programu za lociranje. Less
Abstract (english) On April 22nd, 2022, an earthquake of local magnitude ML = 6.0 occurred in the southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina near Berkovići, with an estimated maximum intensity of I0 = VII °EMS. The earthquake series in Berkovići followed a few months after the installation of a seismic network in the wider area, which was subsequently expanded. The data collected from these stations enable a more comprehensive analysis of the earthquake series and the activated fault system.
In this study,
... More template matching was employed to expand the earthquake catalog based on automatic phase and event detections. The idea behind the method is to use known earthquakes as templates to search for similar events in seismograms. The analysis covers a period of three months after the initial earthquake and an area with a radius of 25 km from the epicenter of the main earthquake series in Berkovići, totaling 5 331 earthquakes. Templates used for matching have magnitudes M ≥ 2.0. The result is a list of detections with recorded phases, and their locations were determined using a program using nonlinear methods for hypocenter determination.
Application of template matching results in 166 295 detections, which is 31 times more compared to the initial catalog. Locations cannot be obtained for all detections due to a lack of recorded phases, but they are obtained for four times more events than in the initial catalog (24 096). However, the catalog encompasses four times fewer events than in the detection list. The locations correspond to those in the initial catalog, although there is a smaller dispersion around the epicenter in the new catalog.
Depths of earthquake foci are mainly between 10 and 20 kilometers. The algorithm exhibits the highest efficiency in the first month after the earthquake, but throughout the entire time period, it leads to a higher number of detections compared to manual recording. This is one of the advantages of such an automated method, along with its speed in processing large amounts of data. Further research should involve calculating earthquake magnitudes and exploring different parameter versions in the used method or location program. Less
metoda uparivanja predložaka
lociranje potresa
Keywords (english)
template matching
earthquake location
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:252826
Project Number: IP-2020-02-3960 Title: Karakterizacija i monitoring rasjednog sustava šireg dubrovačkog područja Title: Characterization and monitoring of the Dubrovnik fault system Acronym: DuFAULT Leader: Josip Stipčević Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Study programme Title: graduate academic research programme: Master of Physics – geophysics, modules: Seismology and solid Earth physics, Meteorology and physical oceanography; specializations in: Seismology and solid Earth physics, Meteorology and physical oceanography Course: Seismology and solid Earth physics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar fizike – geofizike (sveučilišni magistar fizike – geofizike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-01-03 12:25:22