Abstract | U ovome radu proučavamo normalne forme u relacijskim bazama podataka pri čemu su nam od posebnog interesa više normalne forme. U prvom poglavlju definiramo osnovne pojmove vezane uz relacijski model podataka. Uvodimo i pojam nadključa, kandidata za ključ te primarnog ključa relacije kao pojmove od interesa pri definiranju normalnih formi. U drugom poglavlju bavimo se nižim normalnim formama. Na početku poglavlja definiramo i razmatramo prvu normalnu formu. Zatim, uvodimo pojam funkcionalne ovisnosti pomoću kojeg definiramo drugu, treću te Boyce-Coddovu normalnu formu. Na kraju poglavlja dajemo i usporedbu različitih definicija druge, odnosno treće normalne forme. U trećem poglavlju promatramo više normalne forme u relacijskim bazama podataka. Definiramo višeznačnu ovisnost i četvrtu normalnu formu te spojnu ovisnost i petu, odnosno šestu normalnu formu. Treće poglavlje završavamo definiranjem normalne formu elementarnog ključa, normalne forme esencijalne n-torke te normalne forme domenskog ključa koje usporedujemo s prethodno uvedenim normalnim formama. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, we study normal forms in a relational databases where, of particular interest, are higher normal forms. In the first chapter, we define the basic concepts related to the relational database model. We also introduce the concept of superkey, candidate key and primary key as concepts of interest when defining normal forms. In the second chapter, we deal with lower normal forms. At the beginning of the chapter, we define and consider first normal form. Then, we introduce the concept of a functional dependency by which we define second, third and Boyce-Codd’s normal form. At the end of the chapter, we also give a comparison of different definitions of second and third normal form. In the third chapter, we observe higher normal forms in the relational databases. First, we define a multivalued dependency and fourth normal form. Then, we define a join dependency and fifth and sixth normal form, respectively. The third chapter ends by defining elementary key normal form, essential tuple normal form and domain key normal form, which we compare with the previously introduced normal forms |