Title Fotokondenzatori s galvanskim prednaponom
Title (english) Photocapacitors with galvanic bias
Author Ana Marija Bićanić
Mentor Vedran Đerek (mentor)
Committee member Vedran Đerek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Basletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Tomislav Cvitaš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Pavin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Emil Tafra (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Physics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Abstract Razvoj novih koncepata koji su usmjereni prema primjeni elektronike u korist istraživanja fizioloških procesa u živim organizmima važan su dio neuroznanosti, discipline koja je produkt spajanja niza znanstvenih područja, medu kojima se nalazi i fizika. Jedna od posljedica težnje za boljim razumijevanjm neuralnih procesa i rješavanjem postojećih problema i bolesti vezanih za živčani sustav je organski elektrolitski fotokondenzator koji služi za svjetlosnu neurostimulaciju. Razumijevanje njegovog
... More načina rada te optimizacija njegovih performansi predmet je trenutnih istraživanja. Ovim diplomskim radom se žele detaljnije upoznati mehanizmi rada fotokondenzatora i posljedice koje oni donose. Fotokondenzator, koji je sastavljen od organskih materijala koja pokazuju poluvodička svojstva, može djelovati u dva režima, koji se nazivaju kapacitivni i faradejski. Ovaj rad istražuje mogućnost njihove kontrole pomoću dodavanja prednapona te utjecaj različitih prednapona na svojstva fotokondenzatora, kao što su jakost generirane fotostruje i količina generiranog naboja. Također, proučavaju se i izvori prednapona koji bi bili prikladni za fotokondenzator mjereći napone koje daju galvanski članci sastavljeni od različitih materijala. Galvanski članci od materijala koji su pokazali pogodna svojstva se spa jaju na fotokondenzator te se uspoređuje rad takve kombinacije u odnosu na rad fotokondenzatora bez galvanskog prednapona. Na kraju, za galvanske članke koji su pokazali dobro ponašanje u kombinaciji s fotokondenzatorom ispitana je stabilnost njihova rada za dulji period vremena. Less
Abstract (english) An important part of neuroscience is developing new concepts directed towards the application of electronics, aiming to investigate the physiological processes in living organisms. This discipline is the product of merging numerous scientific fields, among which is physics. One of the consequences of striving for a better understan ding of neural processes and solving existing problems and diseases related to the nervous system is the organic electrolytic photocapacitor used for light
... More neurostimulation. Understanding its modes of operation and optimizing its performance is the subject of current research. The aim of this thesis is to improve the understanding of the photocapacitor’s working mechanisms and the associated consequences. A photocapacitor, which comprises organic materials that exhibit semiconducting properties, can operate in two regimes, called capacitive and faradaic. This thesis investigates the possibility of their control by adding a bias voltage and the influence of different bias voltage on the photocapacitor’s properties, such as generated photocurrent and the amount of generated charge. Furthermore, bias voltage sources that would be suitable for a photocapacitor are studied by measuring the voltages given by galvanic cells composed of different materials. Galvanic cells made of materials that have shown suitable properties are connected to the photocapacitor, and the performance of such a combination is compared to the performance of a photocapacitor without a galvanic bias. Finally, for the galvanic cells that showed good behaviour in combination with the photocapacitor, the stability of their operation throughout an extended period of time was tested. Less
organski poluvodiči
galvanski članak
Keywords (english)
organic semiconductors
voltage bias
galvanic cel
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:944725
Project Number: UIP-2019-04-1753 Title: Mikro i nano-strukture za 3D opto-bioelektroniku Title: Micro- and nano-structures for 3D opto-bioelectronics Acronym: 3Doptobio Leader: Vedran Đerek Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: UIP
Study programme Title: The University Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Programme in Physics; Research Physics; specializations in: Research Physics Course: Research Physics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar fizike (sveučilišni magistar fizike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-02-15 13:21:28