Title Pairing correlations in 206Pb+ 118Sn transfer reactions
Title (english) Korelacije sparivanja nukleona u reakcijama prijenosa 206Pb+ 118Sn
Author Josipa Diklić
Mentor Suzana Szilner (mentor)
Committee member Matko Milin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Nikšić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Suzana Szilner (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Physics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-02-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 53 - Physics
Abstract The 206Pb+ 118Sn reaction was measured by employing the new generation spectrometer PRISMA which makes it possible to measure the heavy-ion transfer reaction with high efficiency and good ion identification even at very low bombing energies. The measurements have been performed at the INFN-LNL accelerator complex, by using the heavy 206Pb ion beam, at three different bombarding energies and by detecting the lighter reaction fragments in PRISMA at different angles and magnetic settings. The most important results of this experiment can be categorized into two main groups. The study of the dynamics, where at the highest measured energy the transition from quasi-elastic to deep inelastic regimes was followed. The second group of results concerns the search for the signatures of the nucleon-nucleon correlations. The dynamics was studied through the behavior of the differential and total cross sections, the energy distributions for different transfer channels, and their comparison with the theoretical calculations. In particular, from the dependence of the Q-value distributions on the scattering angle, the evolution from the quasi-elastic to the deep inelastic regime was evidenced. Nucleon-nucleon correlations were studied by the construction of the transfer probabilities as a function of the distances of the closest approach. The probabilities of different one-nucleon transfer channels have been compared with those of the two-nucleon transfers. By comparing their absolute values the enhancement factors have been extracted. The results were also compared with the GRAZING code calculations.
Abstract (croatian) Reakcije koje proučavamo u ovom doktoratu nazivaju se reakcijama prijenosa mnogo nukleona (MNT). One uključujući razmjenu jednog, dva ili više nukleona između jezgre projektila i jezgre mete. MNT reakcije nalaze se između kvazi-elastičnog i duboko neelastičnog režima, u smislu trajanja reakcije, gubitka kinetičke energije i broja razmijenjenih cestica. Ovakve reakcije posebno su zanimljive iz dva razloga. Prvi razlog je zato što ove reakcije pružaju uvid u dinamiku same reakcije i kako se ona razvija od kvazi-elastičnog do duboko neelastičnog režima. Drugi razlog je mogućnost istovremenog promatranja raznih kanala prijenosa nukleona, što nam daje mogućnost proučavanja korelacije među nukleonima. Upravo su za te dvije teme vezani i glavni rezultati ovog doktorata. Sustav koji je promatran u ovom doktoratu je 206Pb+118Sn. Takav sustav ima otvorene kanale ogoljavanja i pobiranja neutrona, kao i ogoljavanja i pobiranje protona s dodatnim prijenosima neutrona na višim energijama. Zbog toga je dobar kandidat za proučavanje kako dinamike reakcije tako i korelacija među nukleonima. Za identifikaciju produkata reakcije korišten je magnetski spektrometar PRISMA na postrojenju INFN-LNL u Italiji. PRISMA je namještena da detektira lakše partnere u reakciji (produkte reakcije sličnih meti). Eksperiment je rađen na tri energije snopa (E_lab = 1200 MeV, 1090 MeV i 1035 MeV), od iznad barijere do ispod nje, a PRISMA je postavljen na dva različita kuta detekcije (θ_lab = 35° i 25°) kako bi se proučavale široke kutne raspodjele. Sama PRISMA ima kutnu prihvatljivost od oko 10°, što nam je omogućilo da na energiji poviše barijere (1200 MeV) promatramo razvoj reakcije na širokom rasponu kuteva od 20°. Tri različite energije snopa, a posebno najniža energija omogućili su nam da promatramo korelacije među neutronima.
the 206Pb+ 118Sn system
heavy-ion collisions
multinucleon transfer reactions
magnetic spectrometer
nucleon-nucleon correlations
differential and total cross sections
Keywords (english)
Rad ne sadrži ključne riječi na drugom jeziku.
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:823040
Promotion 2024
Project Number: IP-2018-01-1257 Title: Zemljovid atomskih jezgara - neutronski bogata strana Acronym: NeRiS-Land Leader: Suzana Szilner Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost Funding stream: Research Projects
Study programme Title: Doctoral study Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području prirodnih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti u području prirodnih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 144 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-09-09
Terms of use
Created on 2024-05-23 13:03:01