Abstract | Tijekom posljednjih desetljeća nanotehnologija je postala primjenjiva u gotovo svim znanostima, a posebice biologiji, kemiji, fizici, mehanici, medicini i farmaciji. Konačan proizvod ove interdisciplinarne grane jesu nanočestice, koje se svojim unaprijeđenim svojstvima razlikuju od izvornih materijala Posebna skupina koja se izdvaja su nanočestice metala (MNPs), čija je primjena osobito popularna u poljoprivredi gdje se koriste u sastavu pesticida i umjetnih gnojiva, što vrlo često rezultira negativnim, fitotoksičnim učinkom na biljke te posljedično i okoliš. Interakcije MNPs s biljkama uzrokuju oštećenja na morfološkoj, fiziološkoj, ali i genetičkoj razini. Različite vrste MNPs poput nanočestica srebra (AgNPs) te bakrovog i cinkovog oksida (CuO-NPs i ZnO-NPs) mogu oštetiti korijen biljke, ali i substanične komponente tj. stanične organele te važne biološke makromolekule poput molekule DNA, uzrokovati promjene i poremećaje u procesu fotosinteze te povećati akumulaciju štetnih reaktivnih molekula kisika. Navedena oštećenja rezultat su različitih svojstava MNPs, a njihova fitotoksičnost uvelike ovisi o vrsti i koncentraciji MNPs koja se primjenjuje te vrsti biljke. |
Abstract (english) | During the last decades, nanotechnology has found application in almost all sciences, particularly in biology, chemistry, physics, mechanics, medicine and pharmacy. The final product of this interdisciplinary branch are nanoparticles, which differ from the original materials due to their improved properties. A special group are metal nanoparticles (MNPs), whose application is particularly popular in agriculture, where they are used in the composition of pesticides and artificial fertilizers, which very often leads to negative, phytotoxic effects on plants and thus on the environment. The interactions of MNPs with plants cause damage at morphological, physiological and genetic levels. Different types of MNPs such as silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and copper and zinc oxide nanoparticles (CuO-NPs and ZnO-NPs) can damage plant roots, but also subcellular components, i.e. cell organelles and important biological macromolecules such as the DNA molecule, cause changes and disturbances in the photosynthesis process and increase the accumulation of harmful reactive oxygen molecules. The above damages are the result of different properties of MNPs, and their phytotoxicity largely depends on the type and concentration of MNPs used and the plant species. |