Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Measurement of the 76Ge(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
Physical Review C, 104 (2021), 4; 044610.

(n_TOF Collaboration) Gawlik-Ramięga, A.; Lederer-Woods, C.; Krtička, M.; Valenta, S.; Battino, U.; Andrzejewski, J.; Perkowski, J.; Aberle, O.; Audouin, L.; Bacak, M.; Balibrea, J.; Barbagallo, M.; Barros, S.; Bécares, V.; Bečvář, F.; Beinrucker, C.; Berthoumieux, E.; Billowes, J.; Bosnar, Damir; Brugger, M.; Caamaño, M.; Calviño, F.; Calviani, M.; Cano-Ott, D.; Cardella, R.; Casanovas, A.; Castelluccio, D. M.; Cerutti, F.; Chen, Y. H.; Chiaveri, E.; Colonna, N.; Cortés, G.; Cortés-Giraldo, M. A.; Cosentino, L.; Damone, L. A.; Diakaki, M.; Dietz, M.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Dressler, R.; Dupont, E.; Durán, I.; Fernández-Domínguez, B.; Ferrari, A.; Ferreira, P.; Finocchiaro, P.; Furman, V.; Göbel, K.; García, A. R.; Glodariu, T.; Gonçalves, I. F.; González-Romero, E.; Goverdovski, A.; Griesmayer, E.; Guerrero, C.; Gunsing, F.; Harada, H.; Heftrich, T.; Heinitz, S.; Heyse, J.; Jenkins, D. G.; Jericha, E.; Käppeler, F.; Kadi, Y.; Katabuchi, T.; Kavrigin, P.; Ketlerov, V.; Khryachkov, V.; Kimura, A.; Kivel, N.; Knapová, I.; Kokkoris, M.; Leal-Cidoncha, E.; Leeb, H.; Lerendegui-Marco, J.; Lo Meo, S.; Lonsdale, S. J.; Losito, R.; Macina, D.; Martínez, T.; Massimi, C.; Mastinu, P.; Mastromarco, M.; Matteucci, F.; Maugeri, E. A.; Mendoza, E.; Mengoni, A.; Milazzo, P. M.; Mingrone, F.; Mirea, M.; Montesano, S.; Musumarra, A.; Nolte, R.; Oprea, A.; Patronis, N.; Pavlik, A.; Porras, J. I.; Praena, J.; Quesada, J. M.; Rajeev, K.; Rauscher, T.; Reifarth, R.; Riego-Perez, A.; Rout, P. C.; Rubbia, C.; Ryan, J. A.; Sabaté-Gilarte, M.; Saxena, A.; Schillebeeckx, P.; Schmidt, S.; Schumann, D.; Sedyshev, P.; Smith, A. G.; Stamatopoulos, A.; Tagliente, G.; Tain, J. L.; Tarifeño-Saldivia, A.; Tassan-Got, L.; Tattersall, A.; Tsinganis, A.; Vannini, G.; Variale, V.; Vaz, P.; Ventura, A.; Vlachoudis, V.; Vlastou, R.; Wallner, A.; Warren, S.; Weigand, M.; Weiss, C.; Wolf, C.; Woods, P. J.; Wright, T.; Žugec, Petar More authors...


Institutional repository: Repository of the Faculty of Science

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Gawlik Ramięga, A., Lederer Woods, C., Krtička, M., Valenta, S., Battino, U., Andrzejewski, J. ... Žugec, P. (2021). Measurement of the 76Ge(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN. Physical Review C, 104. (4). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.044610

Gawlik Ramięga, A., et al. "Measurement of the 76Ge(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN." Physical Review C, vol. 104, no. 4, 2021.

Gawlik Ramięga, A., C. Lederer Woods, M. Krtička, S. Valenta, U. Battino, J. Andrzejewski, J. Perkowski, et al. "Measurement of the 76Ge(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN." Physical Review C 104, no. 4 (2021).

Gawlik Ramięga, A., et al. (2021) 'Measurement of the 76Ge(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN', Physical Review C, 104(4). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.044610

Gawlik Ramięga A, Lederer Woods C, Krtička M, Valenta S, Battino U, Andrzejewski J, and sur.. Measurement of the 76Ge(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN. Physical Review C [Internet]. 2021 October 12 [cited 2025 March 27];104(4). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.044610

A. Gawlik Ramięga, et al., "Measurement of the 76Ge(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN", Physical Review C, vol. 104, no. 4, October 2021. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 27 March 2025]



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