Abstract | Prilikom urbanog planiranja važno je uvažiti mišljenja mladih, uključujući i studente, kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta života u urbanim sredinama, stvarajući gradove koji su održivi, inovativni i prilagođeni potrebama svih građana. Ovaj rad bavi se pitanjima doživljavanja svakodnevice u Zagrebu te prostorne percepcije Zagreba u očima studenata geografije koji tamo studiraju. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 69 studenata geografije na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati prvobitne i trenutne dojmove studenata o gradu, na koji način provode slobodno vrijeme, istražiti njihova mjesta ugode i omiljene lokacije u gradu, ali i one lokacije koje smatraju nesigurnima i neugodnima te koji su razlozi tome i utvrditi zadovoljstvo studenata s raznim aspektima grada i općenito zadovoljstvo studentskim životom u Zagrebu. Korištenjem deskriptivne statistike, odgovara se na postavljena pitanja i donose zaključci. Rezultati su pokazali kako su se negativni prvobitni dojmovi studenata o Zagrebu većinom promijenili, kako većina provodi slobodno vrijeme na sličan način, kako postoji diferencijacija prostora grada na mjesta ugode i neugode te kako su studenti općenito zadovoljni studentskim životom u Zagrebu iako postoji puno prostora za napredak i poboljšanje kvalitete života za mlade, ali i za sve stanovnike općenito. |
Abstract (english) | When it comes to urban planning, it is important to consider the opinions of young people, including students, in order to improve the quality of life in urban areas, creating cities that are sustainable, innovative, and tailored to the needs of all citizens. This paper addresses issues related to the daily life experience in Zagreb and the spatial perception of Zagreb through the eyes of geography students who study there. The research was conducted on a sample of 69 geography students from the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. The aim of the study is to examine the initial and current impressions of students about the city, how they spend their free time, their places of comfort and favorite locations in the city, as well as those locations they find unsafe and unpleasant, along with the reasons behind these perceptions, and to assess students' satisfaction with various aspects of the city and overall satisfaction with student life in Zagreb. Using descriptive statistics, the study answers the posed questions and draws conclusions. The results showed that students' initial negative impressions of Zagreb have mostly changed, that most students spend their free time in similar ways, that there is a differentiation of the city's spaces into places of comfort and discomfort, and that students are generally satisfied with student life in Zagreb, although there is still much room for improvement and enhancement of the quality of life for young people, as well as for all residents in general. |