Title Miocenski tufovi Sjevernohrvatskog bazena
Title (english) Miocene tuffs form the North Croatian Basin
Author Frane Marković
Mentor Marijan Kovačić (mentor)
Mentor Darko Tibljaš (komentor)
Committee member Dražen Balen (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Pavelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đurđica Pezelj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-06-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Geology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 55 - Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology 54 - Chemistry. Crystallography. Mineralogy
Abstract U radu je opisan kemijski i mineralni sastav te je utvrđena starost i porijeklo tufova koji su tijekom
miocena taloženi na prostoru Sjevernohrvatskog bazena, smještenog u južnom dijelu Panonskog bazenskog
sustava. Osim toga, analiziran je fosilni sadržaj u naslagama iz neposredne podine i krovine tufa. Analizirani
tufovi s područja Banovine, Medvednice, Moslavine i Slavonije primarno su bili riolitnog do tefrifonolitnog
sastava, a naknadno su dijelom ili u potpunosti alterirani u smektite i
... More heulandit. Vulkanska aktivnost najvećim
se dijelom odvijala tijekom sin-riftne faze razvoja bazena. Prema rezultatima datiranja 40Ar*/39Ar metodom
na sanidinima, najintenzivnija je bila u razdoblju od 17-14,4 Ma odnosno tijekom karpata, te donjeg i srednjeg
badena. Po prvi puta zabilježena je, znatno slabija, vulkanska aktivnost u postriftnoj fazi razvoja bazena,
krajem sarmata, prije oko 12 Ma. Prema klasifikacijskim dijagramima temeljenima na kemijskom sastavu
tufova, izvorište piroklastičnog materijala bio je aktivni kontinentalni rub koji je najvjerojatnije bio smješten
na prostoru Istočnih Karpata. Fosilna zajednica foraminifera, ostrakoda, nanoplanktona i palinomorfa
pokazala je da su tufovi stariji od 15,1 Ma taloženi u slatkovodnim ili bočatim jezerskim okolišima, a oni
datirani na 14,8 do 14,4 Ma u marinskim okolišima. Time je je marinska transgresija u Sjevernohrvatskom
bazenu, ranije uglavnom smještena na početak karpata, pomaknuta na približno 15 Ma, tj. na granicu donjeg
i srednjeg badena. Less
Abstract (english) Tuffs have been deposited during the Miocene in the North Croatian Basin which is located in the
southern part of the Pannonian Basin System. In this thesis chemical and mineral composition of the tuffs as
well as their age and origin were determined. In addition, the fossil content was analyzed in the underlying
and overlying beds of the tuffs. Based on chemical composition tuffs have been classified as neutral
(tephriphonolite) to acid (riolite). In most tuffs volcanic glass was
... More partially or completely altered to clay
minerals (smectite) or in some cases zeolites (heulandite). During the sin-rift phase of basin development
volcanic activity was at its peak. According to the results of the 40Ar*/39Ar dating on sanidine, the most
intensive period of volcanic activity was during the Karpatian and the Early and Middle Badenian (17 – 14.4
Ma). For the first time, the volcanic activity in the post-rift stage of the development of the basin has been
recorded at the end of Sarmatian ~ 12 Ma ago. Based on the content of immobile trace elements the source
of the pyroclastic material was placed on an active continental margin, most probably located in the Eastern
Carpathians area. The fossil assemblage of foraminifera, ostracods, nannoplankton and palinomorphs has
shown that the tuffs older than 15.1 Ma were deposited in freshwater or brackish lake environments, and
those dated from 14.8 to 14.4 Ma in marine environments. Older studies place the onset of the marine
sedimentation in Karpatian time, while this study suggests it should be moved to the Early/Middle Badenian
boundary. Less
Sjevernohrvatski bazen
40Ar*/39Ar datiranje
Keywords (english)
North Croatian Basin
40Ar*/39Ar dating
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:421728
Study programme Title: Doctoral study of Geology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje geologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje geologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent XI+174 str. ; 32 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-10-12 08:40:46