Title Detaljna analiza bakterijske raznolikosti Jadranskog mora
Title (english) In-depth analysis of the Adriatic sea bacterial diversity
Author Marino Korlević MBZ: 317603
Mentor Sandi Orlić (mentor) MBZ: 245206
Committee member Mirna Ćurković Perica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrinka Ljubešić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Najdek-Dragić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-06-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Marine Science
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 55 - Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology 57 - Biological sciences. Physical anthropology. Biodiversity
Abstract Bakterije u morskim ekosustavima predstavljaju morfološki, genetički te funkcionalno vrlo raznovrsnu skupinu mikroorganizama. Primjenom 454 pirosekvenciranja gena za 16S rRNA i fluorescencijske in situ hibridizacije kataliziranim taloženjem reportera određena je sezonska dinamika bakterijskih zajednica u otvorenom moru južnog i sjevernog Jadrana, te estuarija rijeke Krke. Brojnost bakterijskih operativnih taksonomskih jedinica i struktura zajednice u svim istraživanim područjima bile su pod
... More utjecajem hidrografskih uvjeta. U južnom Jadranu snažan utjecaj imale su zimsko duboko miješanje vodenog stupca i ingresija Levantinske intermedijarne vode, u sjevernom Jadranu sezonski uvjeti okoliša te protok rijeke Po, a u estuariju rijeke Krke protok rijeke i snažan gradijent saliniteta. Prokariotskim pikoplanktonskim zajednicama Jadranskoga mora dominira klad SAR11 čiji je udio u zajednici bio najveći u oligotrofnom području južnog Jadrana. Razred Betaproteobacteria pojavljivao se u područjima pod utjecajem riječne vode. Predstavnici koljena Actinobacteria pojavljivali su se u svim istraživanim područjima, međutim jedino im je u riječnoj vodi estuarija rijeke Krke brojnost bila povećana sa snažno izraženom sezonalnošću. Morske skupine NS4 i NS5 koljena Bacteroidetes uz klad SAR86 razreda Gammaproteobacteria identificirane su kao podskupine koje su se pojavljivale tijekom fitoplanktonskih cvatova u svim istraživanim područjima. Cijanobakterijske zajednice Jadranskog mora činili su tipični morski rodovi Synechococcus i Prochlorococcus. Povećana prisutnost roda Prochlorococcus detektirana je jedino u južnom Jadranu dok je u sjevernom Jadranu dominirao rod Synechococcus. Tipične dubokooceanske skupine SAR324, SAR202 i SAR406 uz povećanu brojnost arheja karakterizirale su duboke vode Jadrana. Less
Abstract (english) Bacteria in marine ecosystems are a morphologically, genetically and functionally diverse group. The seasonal dynamic of bacterial communities in the South and North Adriatic offshore waters and in the Krka river estuary was determined by using a combination of 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization. Bacterial richness and community structure were strongly influenced by hydrological conditions in all the studied areas. A
... More strong, deep winter mixing of the water column and Levantine intermediate water ingression in the South Adriatic, seasonal environmental conditions and the Po river flow in the North Adriatic and the river flow coupled with a strong salinity gradient in the Krka river estuary had a pronounced impact on bacterial communities. Members of the SAR11 clade were dominating the prokaryotic picoplankton communities in the Adriatic Sea with maximal abundances in the oligotrophic area of the South Adriatic. Betaproteobacteria were mainly appearing in ecosystems under the influence of riverine waters. Members of the phylum Actinobacteria were present in all the studied areas but high abundances with a pronounced seasonality were detected only in the riverine waters of the Krka estuary. Marine groups NS4 and NS5 belonging to the phylum Bacteroidetes together with the gammaproteobacterial SAR86 clade were identified to cooccur with phytoplankton blooms in all the studies areas. Typical marine cyanobacteria, Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus, were dominating the cyanobacterial communities in the Adriatic. Synechococcus was dominating the cyanobacterial communities in the North Adriatic while Prochlorococcus was mainly constrained to the South Adriatic. The Deep Adriatic Sea was characterized by typical bacterial deep ocean clades: SAR324, SAR202 and SAR406. In addition, a higher abundance of Archaea was found in this deep part of the Adriatic Sea Less
raznolikost bakterija
Jadransko more
454 pirosekvenciranje
Keywords (english)
bacterial diversity
Adriatic Sea
454 pyrosequencing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:824584
Study programme Title: Interdisciplinary doctoral study in Oceanology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti (znanost o moru) (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti (znanost o moru))
Type of resource Text
Extent 106 str. ; 32 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Ovaj je doktorski rad izrađen u Laboratoriju za morsku mikrobnu ekologiju Centra za istraživanje mora Instituta Ruđer Bošković, Rovinj, u sklopu navedenog navedenog studija.
Created on 2017-02-14 14:54:46