Title Kulturni turizam grada Varaždina
Title (english) Cultural Tourism in City of Varaždin
Author Jasmin Kokotec
Mentor Vuk Tvrtko Opačić (mentor)
Committee member Vuk Tvrtko Opačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Curić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ružica Vuk (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geography) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2012-04-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Geography
Abstract Potaknut kulturno-povijesnom baštinom, sve brojnijim manifestacijama i povećanjem gospodarske važnosti grada, autor rada ukazao je na trenutno stanje i mogućnosti budućeg razvoja kulturnog turizma u Varaždinu. Koristeći literaturu, izvore, statističke podatke, intervjue i ankete analizirao je trenutno stanje kulturnog turizma, turističku i ugostiteljsku infrastrukturu, suradnju i promidžbene djelatnosti turističkih i kulturnih institucija. Kategorizirao je i prezentirao kulturne atrakcije i
... More manifestacije te ukazao na ekonomske i druge prednosti implementacije kulturnog turizma u turističku ponudu grada. Rezultati rada otkrili su da je Varaždin grad izuzetno bogat kulturno-povijesnim atrakcijama koje su posjećene i vrlo dobro promovirane i izvan Hrvatske, te da sudjeluje u brojnim projektima razvoja kulturnog turizma. Urednošću i atmosferom privlačan je kulturnim turistima koji se, prvenstveno zbog nedostatka zanimljivih cjelogodišnjih sadržaja, zadržavaju na kraće vrijeme, obično do 3 dana. Nezadovoljstvo turista proizlazi iz nerazvijene smještajne i ugostiteljske infrastrukture, nedostatka zabavnih sadržaja te relativno slabe suradnje kulturnih i turističkih institucija. Autor stoga predlaže veća materijalna ulaganja u turističku infrastrukturu, poticanje bolje suradnje između turističkih i kulturnih sektora i kontinuirano razvijanje novih manifestacija i ideja koje će zadržati turiste na dulje vrijeme te će na taj način generirati potreban ekonomski priljev. Less
Abstract (english) Inspired by the cultural and historical heritage, numerous events and the increasing economic importance of the city, author of this paper discussed the current situation and future development of cultural tourism in Varaždin. Using literature, resources, statistical data, interviews and inquires author has analyzed the current state of cultural tourism, touristic and hospitality infrastructure, collaboration and promotion of touristic activities and cultural institutions. He has
... More categorized and presented cultural attractions and events, and pointed out the economic and other benefits of implementing the cultural tourism into touristic offer. Results of this work discovered that the city of Varaždin is extremely rich in cultural and historical attractions that are very well attended and promoted also outside of the Croatia, and participates in numerous projects that are developing cultural tourism. Orderliness and atmosphere of the city are attractive to cultural tourists who, primarily due to the lack of interesting content, maintain year-round for a short periods, usually up to 3 days. Dissatisfaction arises from undeveloped accommodation and hospitality infrastructure, lack of entertainment, and a relatively weak cooperation between cultural and touristic institutions. The author therefore proposes a greater financial investments in tourism infrastructure, strengthening the cooperation between touristic and cultural sectors and continuously developing new manifestations and ideas that will keep the tourists for a long time in Varaždin, and thereby will generate a required economic flow. Less
grad Varaždin
kulturni turizam
kulturno-turističke atrakcije
Keywords (english)
city of Varaždin
cultural tourism
cultural - touristic attractions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:076566
Study programme Title: Geography and History; specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije geografije i povijesti (magistar/magistra edukacije geografije i povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2018-01-11 08:02:19