Abstract | Stres se popularno naziva bolest suvremenog svijeta. Podražaj koji izaziva stres nazivamo stresorom. Stresori mogu biti vanjski ili unutarnji, fizički ili psihološki. Vanjski stresori su obično fizički (toplina, napor, trauma), dok unutarnji mogu biti psihološki (strah, razočaranje), socijalni (razvod, poniženje, nezaposlenost) ili fiziološki (upala, bolest). Tijekom stresa dolazi poremećaja ravnoteže organizma. Reakcije na stres su poželjne jer omogućuju ponovno uspostavljanje poremećene ravnoteže. U odgovoru na stres primarno sudjeluju imunološki, endokrini i živčani sustav. Ti sustavi djeluju jedni na druge, te na ostale sustave u organizmu. Ukoliko se organizam ne uspije oduprijeti i vratiti homeostazu, dolazi u stanje distresa koje može organizam učiniti podložnim različitim bolestima (kardiovaskularne bolesti, astma, respiratorne infekcije, karcinom, PTSP…). |
Abstract (english) | Stress is a disease, commonly called a disease of a modern world. Stressor is a stimulus that causes stress. Stressors can be external or internal, physical or mental. Usually, external stressors are physical (heat, exhaushun, trauma), while internal can be mental (fear, disappointment), social (divorce, humiliation, unemployment) or physiological (inflammation, disease). During stress, homeostasis of organism is disturbed. Reactions related to stress are useful because they enable restauration of the homeostasis. Response to stress includes immune, endocrine and nervous system. These systems have an efect on each other and on other systems in the organism. If an organism is not able to resist and to restore homeostasis, it enetrs the state of distress in which organism is prove to different diseases (cardiovascular diseases, asthma, respiratory diseases, cancer, PTSP). |