Abstract | Podmorje Jadrana obiluje raznolikim staništima koja naseljavaju mnoge životne zajednice. U cilju što boljeg poznavanja faune koralja na prostoru zaštićenih otočnih područja, ronjenjem pomoću autonomog ronilačkog aparata bilježene su vrste i sakupljeni uzorci koralja na 25 postaja unutar granica Parka prirode Telašćica, Nacionalnog parka Kornati i Nacionalnog parka Mljet. Istraživane su vanjske, izložene strane otoka. Zabilježene su 53 vrste koralja, 43 vrste iz podrazreda Hexacorallia i 10 vrsta iz podrazreda Octocorallia. Najviše vrsta koralja, 38 vrsta, zabilježeno je na postaji Prisika unutar PP Telašćica, a najmanje, 13 vrsta, na postaji Stražica unutar NP Mljet. Vrste Actinia equina, Caryophyllia inornata, Caryophyllia smithii, Hoplangia durotrix, Leptopsammia pruvoti, Madracis pharensis su zabilježene na svim istraživanim postajama, dok su vrste Parazoanthus axinellae i Phyllangia mouchezi zabilježene na 24 od 25 postaja. Vrste Antipathes subpinnata, Diadumene lineata, Thalamophyllia gasti su zabilježene samo na postaji Prisika unutar PP Telašćica. Postaje su statistički uspoređene na temelju prisutnosti i odsutnosti vrsta koralja po postaji. Rezultati su pokazali grupiranje postaja unutar PP Telašćica i NP Kornati, dok se postaje unutar NP Mljet odvajaju. |
Abstract (english) | The underwater world of the Adriatic Sea abounds with various habitats which are inhabited with many different life communities. With the goal of a better knowledge of coral fauna, while diving with autonomous diving devices, there were listed species and collected samples of corals at 25 locations within the boundaries of Nature Park „Telašćica“, National park „Kornati“ and National Park „Mljet“. Locations that were observed included the exposed, outer sides of the islands. There were noted down 53 species of corals, 43 species from the subclass Hexacorallia and 10 species from the subclass Octocorallia. The greatest number of coral species was found at location „Prisika“ (38) in Nature Park „Telašćica“ while the minimum number of coral species was found at location „Straţica“ (13) in National Park „Mljet“. Species Actinia equina, Caryophyllia inornata, Caryophyllia smithii, Hoplangia durotrix, Leptopsammia pruvoti and Madracis pharensis were found at all observed locations, while species Parazoanthus axinellae and Phyllangia mouchezi were found at 24 of 25 locations. Species Antipathes subpinnata, Diadumene lineata and Thalamophyllia gasti were found only at the location Prisika in Nature Park „Telašćica“. Locations are statistically compared on presence and absence of coral species by location. Results showed grouping of locations in National Park „Telašćica“ and National Park „Kornati“, while locations in National Park „Mljet“ are separated. |