Title Teorija igara u političkim odlukama
Author Petar Jurišin
Mentor Kristina Šorić (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Šorić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Ilišević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Muha (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marcela Hanzer (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-03-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract Ovaj rad smo započeli s važnim pretpostavkama i definicijama koje formiraju demokratski, odnosno izborni sustav i racionalno odlučivanje pri donošenju akcija u skladu s danim izborom. Racionalnost ovdje podrazumijeva sebično razmišljanje u smislu maksimizacije isključivo vlastitih interesa . Interesima, odnosno preferencijama, smo zatim pridružili funkciju korisnosti kako bismo ih mogli izmjeriti i lakše analizirati. Tako smo došli do prvog rezultata da svaki birač može pronaći svoju stranku
... More koja najbolje optimizira njegove preferencije, ali zbog utjecaja rizika i neinformiranosti često birači neće birati optimalno. Zbog neinformiranosti će se birači često referirati na ideološke vrijednosti kako bi njihov proces donošenja odluke bio brži i jednostavniji. Kako bi maksimizacija korisnosti bila što učinkovitija važno je da birači budu upoznati s izbornim sustavom, njegovim pravilima i sudionicima, ali i da političari budu što više informirani o sklonostima i preferencijama glasača. Agregiranjem preferencija svih donositelja odluka, jedan od fundamentalnih teorema teorije društvenog izbora, poznat i kao Arrowljev teorem o nemogućnosti, nam kaže da se ne mogu istovremeno zadovoljiti sve razumne pretpostavke koje zahtijeva demokratski uređen sustav zbog čega upravo od demokratskog društva ne može očekivati da donosi konzistentne odluke. Ipak, koristeći Hotellingov model u analizi donošenja odluka, rezultat matematičke i politološke analize nalaže da će demokracija biti učinkovitija sa približno sličnim preferencijama birača jer će pri promjeni vlasti tranzicija moći biti brža i jednostavnija te neće rezultirati sa znatno drugačijim skupom politika. U tom će slučaju distribucija glasača biti slična normalnoj distribuciji. Pri toj se distribuciji možemo referirati i na teorem medijanskog glasača koji nam govori da će se političari koji žele maksimizirati prikupljene glasove prilagoditi programu koji preferira upravo medijanski ili centralni glasač. U protivnom, ako su glasačke preferencije raznolike, odnosno ako su glasači intenzivnije distribuirani uz rubove političkog pravca, skupovi politika će biti znatno različiti i demokracija će biti manje efikasna. Upravo smo takve preferencije mogli uočiti u hrvatskom društvu analizom determinanti odnosa prema najvećim strankama, odnosno glasova dobivenih na zadnjim parlamentarnim i lokalnim izborima. Za kraj smo vidjeli da pregovaračka moć u smislu teorije izbora ne ovisi toliko o veličini igrača, odnosno o broju dobivenih mandata na izborima, nego o samoj mogućnosti izbora. Tako smo zaključili da je pregovaračka moć stranaka koje imaju više izbora za koalicijiskim partnerom, iako su manje, veća nego kod onih stranaka koje imaju samo jedan izbor. Less
Abstract (english) We started this paper with some important assumptions and definitions that determine democratic and respectively electoral system as well as rational decision making when it comes to choosing actions in accordance with offered choices. Rationality here means selfish thinking that maximizes only own interests. Using interests, precisely preferences, we defined the utility function so we could measure and easily analyze those preferences. Thus we came to the first result that every elector
... More can find his party that optimizes his preferences, but under the influence of risk and lack of information electors often won't select the optimal choice. Due to imperfect knowledge, electors will often turn to ideological values so their decision making would be faster and simpler. To effectively maximize utility, it is important that electors be acquainted with the electoral system, its rules and participants, but also that politicians are well informed with tendencies and preferences of the electorate. Aggregating preferences of all decision makers, one of the fundamental theorems in social choice theory, also known as Arrow's theorem of impossibility, says that we can't simultaneously fulfill all reasonable assumptions that democracy requires, so we can't expect of the democratic society to make consistent decisions. Still, using Hotelling's model in decision making, the result of mathematic and politic analysis claims that democracy will be more effective if the electoral preferences are similar to each other because with the change of government the transition of power will be faster and smoother and it won't result with a significantly different policy set. In that case, the distribution of voters will be close to the normal distribution. If so, we can apply the median voter theorem that says that politicians that want to maximize their obtained votes will adapt to the program that prefers the median or central voter. Otherwise, if the electoral preferences are diverse and if voters are intensively distributed on the edges of the political line, policy sets will also be significantly diverse and democracy will be less effective. Analysing determinants to the largest parties and elections in Croatia, exactly similar diverse preferences are visible in the Croatian society. In the end we saw that the bargaining power in terms of the choice theory does not depend so much on the size of the player, respectively its mandates, but mostly on the possibility to choose. We concluded that the bargaining power of parties that have more choices for a coalition partner, even though they might be smaller, is bigger than of those parties that have only one choice. Less
izborni sustav
Arrowljev teorem o nemogućnosti
Hotellingov model
Keywords (english)
electoral system
Arrow's theorem of impossibility
Hotelling's model
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:563648
Study programme Title: Finance and Business Mathematics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra matematike (magistar/magistra matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2018-11-30
Terms of use
Created on 2018-08-31 12:04:09