Title Vrednovanje kao strategija učenja matematike
Author Marijana Hunjek
Mentor Daria Tot (mentor)
Committee member Daria Tot (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Čižmešija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirko Polonijo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Vrdoljak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-11-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract Glavni cilj vrednovanja kao strategija učenja je poboljšanje učeničke motivacije i učenja. Da bi se to postiglo, učitelj treba kontinuirano prikupljati informacije o učeniku, vrednovati njegov rad i davati mu poticajne povratne informacije, ali i stvarati razredno okruženje u kojem vlada uvjerenje da je uspjeh moguće postići. Prikupljanje informacija o učeniku važan je dio vrednovanja te obuhvaća širok spektar formalnih i neformalnih tehnika koje učitelji mogu koristiti. Kod prikupljanja
... More informacija o učenicima učitelji formiraju očekivanja o tome što učenici znati. Očekivana učenička postignuća predstavljaju jasno iskazane kompetencije, tj. očekivana znanja, vještine i sposobnosti te vrijednosti i stavove koje učenici trebaju steći i moći pokazati po uspješnom završetku određene nastavne teme, programa, stupnja obrazovanja ili odgojno–obrazovnog ciklusa. Jedan od načina kako učitelj može koristiti informacije prikupljene kod vrednovanja je da daje odgovore učenicima nakon što oni pokažu svoja znanja i vještine. Taj učiteljev odgovor naziva se povratna informacija. Prikladna povratna informacija utječe na uvjerenje da je uspjeh ovisan o čimbenicima kojima se može ovladati te pomaže učenicama u podizanju njihove samosvijesti. Učitelj, da bi pomogao učenicima postići određenu razinu obrazovanja, treba organizirati poučavanje koje će pomoći učenicima u učenju. U tome mu mogu pomoći suvremeni pristupi u vrednovanju i obrazovanju, kao na primjer majstorsko učenje i diferencirano poučavanje. No, da bi nastava zadovoljila suvremene zahtjeve potrebno je i osposobiti učenike za valjano i pouzdano samovrednovanje. Učitelju priliku za promatranje učeničkog razvoja u matematici pružaju i strategije formativnog vrednovanja. U ovome radu opisano je jedanaest strategija koje sadrže primjere primjene na konkretne matematičke sadržaje, ali i doprinos strategije u poticanju učenika na učenje i unapređenju poučavanja. Da bi učitelj donio procjenu o učenikovom postignuću i rezultatima, u tome mu pomažu rubrike pa tako učitelj treba biti osposobljen i za njihovu izradu. Less
Abstract (english) The main goal of assessment as a teaching strategy is improvement in student's motivation and learning. In order to accomplish it, the teacher has to gather information about the student continuously, asses his work and give stimulating feedback, but also create a class atmosphere in which there is a belief that success is possible to accomplish. Gathering information about students is an important aspect of assessment which covers a wide spectrum of formal and informal techniques
... More available to teachers. By gathering information about students, teachers form their expectations about the knowledge of students. The expected student accomplishments represent clearly manifested competence, i.e. expected knowledge, skills and abilities, but also values and attitudes that students have to acquire and be able to show upon the successful ending of a particular class subject, programs, educational degree or educational cycle. One of the ways a teacher can use information gathered through assessment is to give answers to students after they show their knowledge and skills. That answer is referred to as feedback. The appropriate feedback affects the belief that success depends on factors which can be mastered and helps with the student's confidence. The teacher, in order to help his students to accomplish a certain degree of education, has to organize teaching which will help students to learn. Contemporary approaches in assessment and education, as are apprenticeships and differentiated teaching, can be very useful to teachers. However, in order to make classes meet the current requirements, training students for valid and reliable self-assessment is crucial. Furthermore, strategies of formative assessment give the teacher a chance to monitor a student's progress in mathematics. Eleven strategies with examples of application in certain mathematical contents, and also the contribution of the strategy in encouraging the students to learn and improving teaching are described in this paper. In order for the teacher to make an assessment on the student's accomplishments and results, rubrics are a helpful tool, so a teacher has to be trained to make them. Less
stretegija učenja
povratna informacija
majstorsko učenje
diferencirano poučavanje
formativno vrednovanje
Keywords (english)
teaching strategy
differentiated teaching
formative assessment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:499807
Study programme Title: Mathematics Education; specializations in: Mathematics Education Course: Mathematics Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije matematike (magistar/magistra edukacije matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-01-29 13:44:03