Title Istraživanje učeničkih i studentskih strategija u rješavanju zadataka s grafovima iz svakodnevnog života
Author Nikolina Skenderović
Mentor Ana Sušac (mentor)
Committee member Ana Sušac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Emil Tafra (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Milin-Šipuš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Bakić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Horvatić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Abstract U više navrata pokazalo se da učenici i studenti imaju poteškoća pri rješavanju zadataka s grafovima, ali i u rješavanju zadataka s kontekstom iz svakodnevnog života, posebno ako se ne susreću često s takvom vrstom zadataka. Nažalost, u nastavi matematike i fizike još uvijek je veliki naglasak stavljen na svladavanje određenih procedura, a malo pozornosti se pridaje primjeni stečenih znanja i vještina u svakodnevnom životu. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je bio istražiti učeničko i studentsko
... More razumijevanje grafova kao važnog izvora informacija. Napravili smo test od devet zadataka s grafovima iz svakodnevnog života koji su korišteni u PISA istraživanju 2012. godine. Osim standardnog testiranja kod studenata i učenika te mjerenja pokreta očiju tijekom rješavanja zadataka kod studenata, ispitanici su trebali obrazložiti svoje odgovore što nam je pomoglo da odredimo njihove strategije u rješavanju zadataka te prepoznamo poteškoće na koje nailaze u tom procesu. Rezultati su pokazali da nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika u točnosti u rješavanju testa između studenata koji studiraju na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu i studenata ostalih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu koji su dobrovoljno sudjelovali u ovom istraživanju. Također nije bilo razlike u točnosti između studenata i učenika prvog razreda jedne opće gimnazije u Zagrebu, kao ni razlika u njihovim strategijama. Uz pomoć mjerenja pokreta očiju odredili smo vrijeme rješavanja zadataka i analizirali na koje dijelove zadataka su ispitanici posebno obraćali pažnju i je li im to pomoglo da riješe zadatak. Rezultati su ukazali da su ispitanici koji su točno rješavali zadatke više usmjeravali pažnju na mjesta gdje su se nalazile informacije relevantne za rješavanje zadataka. Na kraju smo odredili koliko je kod učenika prisutan strah od matematike te koliko je on povezan s njihovim ocjenama te rezultatima testa. Možemo zaključiti da je u nastavi matematike potrebno što više uključivati primjere iz svakodnevnog života kako bi se matematička znanja učvrstila i bolje povezala s drugim područjima. Također, to bi pomoglo da učenici razviju pozitivan stav prema matematici i budu sposobni primijeniti matematičke koncepte u novim situacijama. Less
Abstract (english) On several occasions, it has been shown that pupils and students have difficulties in solving tasks with graphs, but also in solving the problems with everyday life context, especially if they do not often meet this kind of problems. Unfortunately, in teaching of mathematics and physics there is still great emphasis on mastering certain procedures, but little attention is given to the application of acquired knowledge and skills in everyday life. The main goal of this diploma thesis was
... More to investigate the pupils' and students' understanding of graphs as an important source of information. We constructed a test consisting of nine problems with graphs related to daily life that were used in the PISA survey in 2012. Beside the standard testing of students and pupils, and measurements of eye movements of students during problem solving, the participants had to explain their answers which helped us to determine their strategies in problem solving and recognize the difficulties they encounter in the process. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in accuracy in solving the test between the students studying at the Faculty of Science and students of other faculties at the University of Zagreb who voluntarily participated in this study. There was also no difference in accuracy between the students and the first year pupils of a general type gymnasium in Zagreb, as well as no differences in their strategies. By measuring the eye movements, we determined the time needed to solve problems and analyzed to which parts of the problems the participants paid more attention and whether it helped them to solve the task. The results suggested that the participants who correctly solved the problems focused their attention more to the areas with information relevant for problem solving. Finally, we determined how many of the students experience anxiety related to mathematics, how it is related to their grades and test results. We can conclude that in the teaching of mathematics it is necessary to include more examples from everyday life to strengthen the mathematical knowledge and to connect it better with other areas. This would also help students to develop a positive attitude towards mathematics and to be able to apply mathematical concepts to new situations. Less
nastava matematike i fizike
učeničko i studentsko razumijevanje grafova kao važnog izvora informacija
grafovi iz svakodnevnog života
PISA istraživanje
mjerenje pokreta očiju tijekom rješavanja zadataka
strah od matematike
povezivanje matematičkih znanja s drugim područjima
Keywords (english)
teaching of mathematics and physics
pupils' and students' understanding of graphs as an important source of information
graphs related to daily life
PISA survey
measurements of eye movements of students during problem solving
anxiety related to mathematics
connecting mathematical knowledge with other areas
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:617471
Study programme Title: Mathematics and Physics Education; specializations in: Mathematics and Physics Education Course: Mathematics and Physics Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije matematike i fizike (magistar/magistra edukacije matematike i fizike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-02-06 15:24:12